Monday, May 20, 2019


If anyone had any doubts about the idiocy of government and most elected officials, Illinois legislators are helping to erase all doubts.

For years we have been bombarded with nonstop warnings concerning ecological doom. According to many  politicians, the biggest threat to the environment is the automobile and the use of fossil fuels. They pollute the very air we breath by filling the atmosphere with destructive carbon emissions that cause global warming. Not surprisingly, oil companies are a favorite whipping boy of politicians, as they constantly remind us of Big Oil's greed and criminal disregard for the environment.

One of the favorite weapons in government's arsenal to defeat climate change has been electric cars .It's easy to see why: no pollution; no burning of fossil fuels; no carbon emissions, and no huge profits filling the coffers of Big Oil. In terms of fighting pollution, electric cars would appear to be the perfect solution. That is one reason there are already 15,000 electric vehicles registered in Illinois. The only thing an owner has to do is pay a $17.50 annual fee to the state.

The politicians down in Springfield--in their infinite wisdom--want to change all this. They are considering raising the annual fee on electric cars from $17.50 a year, to one thousand dollars a year. How could anyone with an IQ higher than a tennis ball think this is a good idea? The first and foremost unintended consequence of raising the fee would be to stifle the sales of electric cars in Illinois. The second consequence would be another obvious one. No doubt thousands of current electric car owners would dump their vehicles in favor of gas powered cars and immediately save a thousand dollars a year in fees. We might also see an exodus of electric car owners taking up  residence in nearby states to avoid this outrageous fee.

Apparently Illinois politicians are more concerned with raising revenues than protecting the environment, proving that as far as Illinois politicians are concerned, dumb is as dumb does.