Monday, February 28, 2022


 The Vladimir Putin directed Russian invasion of Ukraine is clearly the brainchild of a meglomaniac obsessed with the outdated idea of a new European empire led by Russia. The man obviously thirsts for the old Soviet  Union.

Such a world view and a desire for domination reeks like overripe garbage. It is a concept whose time has come--and gone. Such thinking has its roots in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and is as outdated as witch hunts, religious crusades and bloodletting. Putin--an old man with old ways of thinking--has thrown in his lot with the ancient and corrupt views of past villains like Napolean Bonaparte, Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolph Hitler and Joe Stalin.

The 21st century has descended upon us, and yet Putin refuses to acknowledge that fact. He desperately clings to the old ways in order to feed his own hunger for power and glory. He seems oblivious to the fact that such military action will not bring him that glory and power. The world has moved on. Values have changed. Putin, however, has failed to move with the times.

There is no longer a drive to conquer other nations, to launch total warfare, or to subjugate foreign populations. Men like Vladimir Putin need to adhere to one simple tenet: No group or individual has the right to initiate the use of force against another group or individual. To do so is blatantly inhumane and immoral.

The drive to control other human beings is a powerful aphrodisiac to which Putin has succumbed.  He is an old man rooted in old ways of thinking. Until these outdated and outlandish ideas are put to rest, the the peace and wellbeing of all who reside on this planet is in jeopardy.