Thursday, August 21, 2014


1. Walt Disney World is the second largest purchaser of explosives after the Department Of Defense.

2. Wages are down 23% since Obama took office.

3.Over 600,000 people a year visit Graceland, making it the second most visited private home after the White House.

4. 84% of Americans at one time or another buy organic food.

5. Most recent stats shop that 109,631,000 Americans receive some sort of welfare.

6. A study has found that the Democrat Party pays African American campaign workers 1/3 less than white campaign workers.

7. A study of three and a half million people determined that married people had a 5% less risk of cardiovascular disease than single people.

8. 1,472,000 Americans have stopped looking for work since Obama became president.

9. 194,871 miles of toilet paper are used annually at Walt Disney World.

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