Thursday, January 8, 2015


Yes, beware of the coming gasoline price increase. No, it won't be because of those evil, money-grubbing, profit-mongering oil companies. It will be because of those evil, money-grubbing, profit- mongering elected offricials in our state capitals and in Congress.

Illinois senator Dick (the name fits me) Durbin is already making noises about hiking the gasoline tax, as are various state level politicans around the country. Since gas prices are averaging a hair over  2 dollars a gallon nationwide, with many regions under 2 dollars, they see a perfect oppportunity to stick it to the taxpayers one more time.

Federal taxes on a gallon of gasoline are already around 18 cents. In Illinois, after you tack on state and county taxes, the total comes to almost a half a buck a gallon. The absurdity is that when gas prices are high, people bitch about oil companies running the world--this concept encouraged by politicians looking for scapecoats. They tell us Big Oil companies are greedy SOB'S. But when gas prices were over 4 bucks a gallon, did our caring,  loving liberal politicians demand that gas taxes be lowered? Hell, no would be the correct answer. So much for caring about working people, the middleclass, the little guy, etc.

As for those greedy oil compnay bastards, ask yourself this: If they're so greedy and they run the world, why is the price of gasoline half of what it was a couple of years ago? Did they suddenly become philanthropists? Humanitarians? Corporate versions of Mother Theresa?

Of course not. Despite the falsehoods past along as facts by leftist and liberal politicians, Big Oil doesn't set the pricde of oil--the marketplace does. And that price is determined by the good old law of supply and demand. Thanks to that other whipping boy of the left--fracking-- the US has become a major oil producer, which in turn increases the supply of oil, which in turn lowers the price of gasoline, which in turn puts more money in the pockets of working people.

The price stays down until politicians see a golden opportunity (or in this case green, the color of money) to slap on more taxes and exploit the working people they claim to love and care for. And far more often than not, once they create or raise a tax, it rarely goes away--unlike high oil prices.

So know this: Your enemy is not the oil companies. Your enemy is liberal, anti-capitalist schemes.

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