Friday, June 12, 2015


I can't contain myself any longer. I must vent over one of my pet peeves: Treating elected officials like they are royalty.

First, let me state the obvious: We have no royalty in the United States of America. That is, in fact, the very reason there is a United States. Starting in the 1600's, Europeans emigrated to the New World to escape the despotic rule of kings and queens. It is the primary reason our Founding Fathers chose democracy over  a monarchy, so that individual rights would trump the whims of royal rulers.

Which brings us to the 21st century. In very subtle ways we still have the tendency to treat politicians like royalty, rather than simply the elected representitives of the citizenry. Allow me to site two examples.

It galls me when I hear a former president, governor or senator still referred to as Mr. President, Governor or Senator, as if the title as been bestowed upon them for life. When Lee Iococca retired from Chrysler, did the media still refer to him as Mr. Chairman? Hell, no. He was Lee, or Mr Iococca.

The second item that offends my sensibilities is the playing of "Hail To The Chief" whenever the President appears at an official function. Again, this is not the king of the US making a grand entrance accompanied by blaring trumpets sounding his arrival to the peasants. He is, in essence, the CEO of our country, an executive like any other, albeit an executive with greater responsibilities and powers. But an executive, nonetheless. Was the late Steve Jobs greeted by official fanfare when he appeared in public? Do we have to rise to our feet whenever Bill Gates makes an entrance?

And what's with the official Presidential seal that ordorns every podium when the president makes a speech? Do we need this "coat of arms" to remind us who he is? Are we to be awestruck by such trappings of power? Do the CEO's of  Walmart, General Motors or McDonalds travel around with their own "coat of arms?"

The president--whomever he may be--is elected by the people to run the country much the way a CEO runs a corporation. It is dangerous to treat this office holder with undue reverence, as if some supreme being endowed him with special gifts and priveleges far above those of mere mortals. The bottom line is all politicians are hired help. Sometimes that help is heroic, sometimes it is corrupt, incompetent and immoral. But essentially these are people selected and paid to do a specific job. That is the sum of it.

The king is dead! Let us keep his rotting corpse buried.

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