Monday, July 6, 2015


Controversy continues to swirl like a tornado around Donald Trump's statement regarding illegal Mexican immigrants. What he said has been frequently quoted--and misquoted.But what he didn't say is equally important. Trump did not say all illegals were criminals; nor did he say every illegal is a criminal.

He did say some of the illegals bring in crime and drugs. They are rapists. Is he wrong?  Given the fact that millions of illegals have poured across our southern border, it would be statistically impossible that there was not a single criminal among the estimated 30 million illegal immigrants roaming across the US.

According to statistics from Homeland Security, 11 to 15% of all convicts in US prisons are illegals, and 24% of all those convicted of drug related crimes are illegals.

It is a shame people were offended by the Donald's remarks. But it is also a shame that the media chooses to ignore or distort the truth, rather than report it.

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