When I was in the 1st grade at St Mary Magdalene Catholic school in Chicago, our nun told us about guardian angels. She said that at the time of our birth, God assigns each of us our very own angel to watch over us and keep us safe from harm. As a six year old it seemed like a very cool concept. I actually had my very own bodyguard.
Of course as I grew into adulthood, my belief in a guardian angel went the route of Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy. I find it hard to believe that there are fully formed adults who still believe an invisible security guard is following their every move 24/7.
Seriously? A guardian angel? If these entities really do exist, they are without a doubt the most incompetent, useless protection force ever conceived. Every single day of every single year across this entire planet people are killed in car accidents, drowned, raped, beaten to death, molested, murdered and otherwise victimized by an endless variety of mayhem. A Boy Scout would be more efficient in offering protection.
For those who are avid believers in the Bible, there is one aspect to consider concerning guardian angels. Why would God even find the need to assign us each with an angel? It would be totally irrelevant. The Bible says God is prescient and omniscient. He sees all and knows all. He knows everything that has happened, is happening and will happen.If He didn't possess this knowledge, He wouldn't be the Supreme Being we call God.
So if God knows all,that means He knows the entire course of your life the very instant you are conceived. He knows when and where you will be born, and He knows when, where and how you will die. Therefore, if He has full knowledge of our lives and the circumstances of our death, why would He need to assign us a guardian angel? For instance, if God can foresee that I will die at age 100 of heart failure, then it would be completely unnecessary to assign me a guardian angel to keep me out of the path of a speeding train because that is not how I am going to die.And if God knows I am going to die from heart failure, that means my guardian angel cannot change that fate, which makes the angel pointless.
Like so many Biblical stories and religious dogma, the idea of a guardian angel is riddled with contradictions and loose ends that defy logic. If I need security, I'll look up bodyguards online. They may not have wings, but they do carry guns.
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