Tuesday, March 14, 2017


What you are about to read can easily be misconstrued as racist; however, the following has nothing to do with the superiority or inferiority of one race compared to another.The issue at hand is not racial; it is cultural differences in political and social terms.

The undeniable fact is all cultures have their differences, whether it's a religious culture, ethnic culture, geographic culture, etc..My concern is with the changing social and political culture in the United States. And let there be no doubt. The culture is changing.

On the day John F. Kennedy was sworn into office in January of 1961, the US was 80% white. In 2016 the country was 62% white. And at the present rate of demographic changes, it is predicted that by 2050, the US will be 45% white. Statistics would bare out that prediction. In 2016, caucasians accounted for 78% of all deaths in our country. In addition, for the first time in our history in children age 5 and under, whites are already a minority.

These numbers beg the question: Are these population trends a good thing or a bad thing? The answer lies in one's political beliefs. From my perspective as a libertarian, these statistics fill me with grave concern. Let me cite the reasons.

1) As a libertarian, I believe in minimal government, as encapsulated in the old adage, "He who governs least governs best." To be more specific, I believe in the supremacy of  the individual and individual liberty over government interference and intrusion in the lives of its citizens. Accordingly, I strongly support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The whole purpose of the Constitution is to protect the individual from unfettered government power and coercion.

2) Taxation is theft. It is the theft of honestly earned wages. Therefore, I am opposed to higher taxes, whether it be on the middle-class, the rich, or  big business.

3) Because taxation is theft, I am opposed to the welfare state, entitlements and corporate subsidies. These programs, in effect, steal money from one group of citizens to bestow it on another group of citizens chosen by elected officials who seek to buy votes and encourage political bootlickers.

4) I am in favor of a free market economy. Government manipulation of free enterprise inevitably results in, recessions, high unemployment and in equality of opportunity. Need proof? Look at the difference between North Korea and South Korea. Or the difference in China under Chairman Mao a half century ago, and China today, a semi-capitalist society.

We libertarians believe these principles have resulted in making the US one of the  freest and prosperous nations on the planet.

So how are these principles threatened by a growing minority population? Eighty to ninety percent of black voters vote Democrat. Sixty-five to seventy percent of Hispanic voters vote Democrat. By supporting  liberal Democrats, these groups support the liberal agenda, which includes expanding the welfare and entitlement  state, subsidies for favored corporations,  raising taxes on the middle-class and rich to pay for these entitlements and subsidies.This, in turn, reduces the living standard of the middle-class, penalizes hard work and personal initiative, and creates a class  of people who live off the toil of productive citizens, ultimately lowering the living standards for everyone. In addition, these liberal supporters regard free enterprise with disdain and support strict control of all businesses by the government. Finally, too many young blacks and Hispanics contemptuously regard the Constitution as an irrelevant document authored by a "bunch of old white guys."

So why would a growing minority population foster such an anti-individual agenda? Would they not foster a society rooted in the libertarian principles of minimal government, low taxes and free enterprise? Because only a mere handful of Hispanics and blacks call themselves libertarian or conservative. That means that as the white population dwindles, the pool of libertarians and conservatives will dwindle, as well, reducing these ideologies to irrelevance,while liberal and socialist ideologies will continue to grow. 

The result is that the welfare state will rein supreme, and the priniciples of individualism fostered by our Founding Fathers will be overrun by the rule of statists who hold the Constitution and  the supremacy of the individual in contempt.

My granddaughters will live in a country starkly different from the one I have known throughout my life. And I fear they will be the worse off for it.

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