As a libertarian/conservative I am a firm believer in the separation of economy and state the way we have a separation of church and state, and for the very same reasons. Our Founding Fathers had the wisdom to know that permitting government to involve itself with religion would be a receipe for disaster. Well, when the state dabbles in the economy, the results are typically a disaster.
The Chicago Cubs (love em or hate em) are asking the City of Chicago to allow them to make numerous architectural changes to Wrigley Field. One of these changes has nothing to do with blocking the view of the rooftops across from the park, or altering the face of this historic structure. The change is quite simple. the Cubs want to enlarge the outfield doors from 12 feet to 24 feet so they can move the bullpens from the sidelines to a position under the outfield bleachers. That's it. Mayor Rahm Emmanuel says no way, dudes. Why does he oppose the change? Because it would mean some of the iconic ivy on the outfield walls would be removed. Seriously? How would less ivy alter the game? How would it decrease the fans' enjoyment of baseball?
Here's the kicker for we libertarians. Wrigley Field is private property owned by the Ricketts family of Chicago. The city does not own it. Emperor Rahm doesn't own it. Yet the city is preventing owners from making relatively minor changes to the interior of their own property. The words "joke "farce" and "outrage" apply here.
Is it possibly there is an underlying reason for Emperor Rahm's opposition to the plan? Consider this. The Ricketts family have made numerous financial contributions to the Republican party and Republican candidates. Is it the least bit possible that Emperor Rahm is using and abusing his power to enforce the old adage, "Paybacks are a mothereffer?"
This is what happens when politicians and the state can interfere with the marketplace. It is no longer about who has the best products and services, but who can kiss the most political ass.
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