Friday, July 25, 2014


In the past decade the global warming debate between environmentalists and global warming skeptics, of which I am one, has been heating up (no pun intended). One side claims we're on the brink of catastrophic climate change, while the other side says there are no scientific facts to back up global warming, and that doomsday predictions are merely scare tactics that are politically motivated.

Now the accusations against the global warming crowd have gained greater validity as they inadvertantly put their collective feet in their collective mouths and revealed their real motives. One hundred thirty environmental groups from around the world participated in a climate change conference in the socialist country of Venezuela. A paper called the Margarita Declaration was presented at the conference. A statement in the declaration tore away the facade of scientific inquiry when it stated: Global warming cannot be stopped without ending the hegemony of the capitalist system. Bazanga!!! That statement reveals the real agenda of environmentalists and lays to waste their scientific arguments.

Until the 1980's, leftist groups proudly proclaimed themselves to be Marxists or communists, and vowed the destruction of the capitalist free market system.  During the 1980's, and particularly after the fall of the Soviet Union,communism was essentially discredited in the eyes of everyone except the most radical leftists. Suddenly the terms Marxist and communist fell out of favor, and left leaning political groups quickly shunned those descriptions of their movement. However, their political goals remained the same: Defeat capitalism. How could they shed their old Bolshevik image and still achieve their goals? They found a new tactic and new buzzword: Environmentalism.

Jumping on the bandwagon of the environmental movement provided the Left with a cover for their political jihad agaisnt western capitalism. Note their attacks and who they branded as the villains of global warming: The United States, western Europe and Japan--the most prominent of capitalist countries. Why are these countries the supposed enemy? Because they drive cars and SUV's, devour fossil fuels, build factories, consume electrical power for heating, cooling and computers, despoil nature through oil drilling and fracking. And the biggest villains of all, according to Leftists, are the multi-national corporations and their voracious appetite for evil profits. In other words, the Left opposes everything that provides these countries with prosperity, longevity, freedom and the highest living standards of anywhere on earth.

Note the Left's solution to this alleged crisis: Government intervention with strict regulations of the economy and every aspect of the average citizen's life. In other words, communism.

The Left is savvy enough to understand that spouting Marxist rhetoric  will turn people off. But if they dress up their declarations with the facade of science and climate change hand wringing, they believe they can hoodwink the world into unwittingly accept Marxist doctrine. While the debate is ostensibly about science and saving the earth, it is really about a struggle between political and economic systems. One side distorts science to spread fear and distrust of technology and free markets, while the other side uses science to defend a system that brings prosperity and individual freedom.

Who had the superior quality of life? East Germany or West Germany? Who now enjoys a better quality of life? North Korea or South Korea?

One side seeks to blind us with science and fear mongering, while the other side seeks to enlighten us with science and reason.

Choose your side wisely.

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