Tuesday, July 29, 2014


43,252,003,274,489,856,000: This is the number of Rubics Cube combinations.

Sun exposure of 20-30 minutes daily could reduce the risk of pancreatic and ovarion cancer by 30% to 40%.

In 1950, fewer than 3 of 10 Americans took a daily bath in the winter. Today 3 of 4 take a daily winter bath or shower.

The average American today has three more teeth than the average American in 1970.

The latest CNN poll shows that in an election rematch between Obama and Romney, Romney would win by 53% to 44%.

10% of enrollies in New York City international highschools are illegal immingrants.

Heads of households who are 70 years of age or older will increase by 42% by 2075.

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