The Ray Rice fiasco in the NFL is a perfect example of how we have our priorities screwed up in our culture. Rice coldcocks his wife with a vicious left hook in an elevator, knocks her unconscious, then drags her lifeless body out of the elevator as if it were a fresh carcass.. And for this he was punished with a ridiculous 2 game suspension. Meanwhile, another NFL player, Josh Gordon, failed a drug test for marijuana and was suspended for an entire season.
Is it just me or is justice completely whacko and out of kilter? According to the National Football League, smoking weed is 8 times worse than beating a woman unconscious. Apparently the NFL values a smoke-free environment more than the safety and wellbeing of women.
The problem here is two-fold. First, too many people are completely ignorant regarding marijuana, and have swallowed all the hysterical anti-weed propaganda. Second, we have a tendency to put our athletic stars, regardless of the sport, on a pedestal and treat them like gods and heroes who can do no wrong, especially if they play for our team. And if they do do wrong, well, give them a slap on the tush and let them play, because our team needs the wins and we need the goddamn entertainment. What Americans need to do is quit idolizing athletes, especially the ones who beat their partners, string together DUI'S, and father kids out of wedlock that they never bother to raise.
So let's start small. Let's turn off sports for 30 minutes each week and open a freakin' book. The women of this country will thank you for it.
A bit short but well stated, Conrad. Not sure if "do do" works well, or was that for effect? I would like more info on the propaganda swallowed, but the overall concept is "right on" (had to use quotation marks to allow ending with a preposition).