Thursday, September 11, 2014


A literary journal named Black Book Press published a poem of mine several years ago commemorating 9/11. I thought it would be an appropropriate time to post it.

                                                    THE TWIN DESTROYERS

Evil arrived sheathed in a metallic skin,
a winged hypodermic needle
injecting terror and death
into the American psyche

The Twin Towers pointed skyward,
a pair of monuments to free minds
and unfettered intellects,
where dreams and reality meld and mutate

Mohammed's tribes sprang from their caves
like rabid bats, fueled by random emotions,
blinded by a thousand years of darkness,
hating what they do not understand

Where the Towers challenged the heavens,
the tribes wallowed
in the muck of superstition,
force their only path,
myths their only blessed truths

Evil hates achievers,
for the world of evil is constructed
on pain and suffering,
where mindless sacrifice is the highest value

So erect more towers
to heights the tribes cannot scale,
and let the tortured alloy of our hearts
provide the impenetrable material

What intellect builds,
tribalism seeks to demolish,
so be ever watchful
of those twin destroyers of humanity:

Faith and force

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