In a recent poll, 22% of respondents prefer going out with friends rather than having sex, while another 10% prefer to go shopping or engaging in sports rather than having sex.
Measles cases are at a 20 year high.
Over the past 10 years, twice as many women as men have started small businesses.
Circumcised men have a 14% less risk of prostate cancer if the procedure was performed within a year of birth. Men who were circumcised after the age of 35 have the risk of prostate cancer reduced by 60%.
Sunscreen with an SPF of 50 filters out 98% of harmful UV rays.
885,000 knee and hip replacements are performed annually.
While the brain is 2% of the total body weight, it receives 20% of the blood supply and 25% of the oxygen supply.
Over the course of their working life, college graduates on average earn approximately $800,000. more than high school grads.
In the past 40 years, murders are down 40%, and rape is down 80%.
27.8% of students report being bullied in the past school year.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
The Veterans Administration scandal is a scary look into the future if Obamacare is allowed to expand. The stated goal of many Democrats is to ultimately have a single payer healthcare system in which there is no private health insurance. Instead, everyone of us would be dependent upon a Federal healthcare system they way veterans are dependent upon the VA. If the Feds cannot operate a first class health system for a few million military veterans, how can we expect them to operate a system for all 306 millions citizens?
Amercians cannot allow themselves to be fooled by the Feds constant atack on private insurance companies. By portraying these companies as the villians, the government hopes to have us running to them for salvation. The Feds despicable treatment of veterans could be our future if we permit our representitives to pass more laws like Obamacare. Competition for customers in the free market gives rise to efficiency and responsiveness. When the government is the only supplier of goods and services, we become pawns and victims of political incompetance and corruption.
Amercians cannot allow themselves to be fooled by the Feds constant atack on private insurance companies. By portraying these companies as the villians, the government hopes to have us running to them for salvation. The Feds despicable treatment of veterans could be our future if we permit our representitives to pass more laws like Obamacare. Competition for customers in the free market gives rise to efficiency and responsiveness. When the government is the only supplier of goods and services, we become pawns and victims of political incompetance and corruption.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
This past week hundreds of people demonstrated At McDonalds headquarters in Oakbrook, Il. for a higher minimum wage. There have also been demonstrations in other cities in this country and in Europe. The demonstrators are demanding the minimum be increased from $7.25 per hour, to $15.00 per hour. On the surface it sounds like an idea with merit. Demonstrators are saying they are demanding a "living wage" that will allow them to satisfactorily support their families. While the sentiment may be noble, the facts tell a different story.
Only 16% of people receiving the minimum wage were single parents. 94% of families with an adult who earns the minimum also have a spouse who works and supports the family.40% of all recipients
are teens who live at home with their families. The majority of people who start out earning the minimum receive at least one raise in their first 12 months of employment.
One of the arguments for raising the minimum wage is that it is good for employment; however, 85% of all studies find that increases in the minimum also increase unemployment among unskilled workers. When the minimum wage was enacted in 1948, the unemployment rate for white teens was actually higher than for black teens--10.2% for white teens; 9.4% for black teens. Today those numbers have shifted dramatically. Overall unemployment for teens in 2013 stood at 16%. For black teens, the unemployment rate was 50%. The The primary difference in those rates is that black teens enter the job market with lesser skills because of inferior inner city public schools. As employers are forced to pay higher and higher wages, they become far more selective in terms of the skillsets of new employees.
Last week the citizens of Switzerland went to the poles and rejected a referendum that would have set their minimum wage at the equivalent of $25.00 per hour. In their wisdom, they knew what a disaster that would have been for their economy.
There are 2 simple truths to remember: As minimum wages increase, small mom and pop businesses are forced to do more with fewer employees, thereby hurting their efficiency, and adding to unemployment. Second, if fastfood chains like Mickey D's and Burger King have to increase their employment costs by almost 100%, we all end up paying more for our food. Like rotary dial phones and 8 track cassesettes, the dollar menu will become a relic of the past. How does that help low income people?
Only 16% of people receiving the minimum wage were single parents. 94% of families with an adult who earns the minimum also have a spouse who works and supports the family.40% of all recipients
are teens who live at home with their families. The majority of people who start out earning the minimum receive at least one raise in their first 12 months of employment.
One of the arguments for raising the minimum wage is that it is good for employment; however, 85% of all studies find that increases in the minimum also increase unemployment among unskilled workers. When the minimum wage was enacted in 1948, the unemployment rate for white teens was actually higher than for black teens--10.2% for white teens; 9.4% for black teens. Today those numbers have shifted dramatically. Overall unemployment for teens in 2013 stood at 16%. For black teens, the unemployment rate was 50%. The The primary difference in those rates is that black teens enter the job market with lesser skills because of inferior inner city public schools. As employers are forced to pay higher and higher wages, they become far more selective in terms of the skillsets of new employees.
Last week the citizens of Switzerland went to the poles and rejected a referendum that would have set their minimum wage at the equivalent of $25.00 per hour. In their wisdom, they knew what a disaster that would have been for their economy.
There are 2 simple truths to remember: As minimum wages increase, small mom and pop businesses are forced to do more with fewer employees, thereby hurting their efficiency, and adding to unemployment. Second, if fastfood chains like Mickey D's and Burger King have to increase their employment costs by almost 100%, we all end up paying more for our food. Like rotary dial phones and 8 track cassesettes, the dollar menu will become a relic of the past. How does that help low income people?
Thursday, May 22, 2014
For those of you who long for the "good ole days" and who think that life today is really screwed up compared to the era of our parents and grandparents, the Cato Institute compiled a list showing how the average Amrican's life has changed since 1900:
Manufacturing wages are 5 times higher.
The workweek is 30% shorter.
Accidental deaths from cars and planes have dropped by 61%, despite the fact that there are millions more of both cars and us.
The air we breath is 97% cleaner.
Four times as many students are getting their high school diplomas, and six times as many women have Bachelor degrees.
98% of American homes have phones, electricity and indoor plumbing.
More than 75% of Americans have at least 1 car, a microwave oven, cable TV, air conditioning, and a washer and dryer.
The average person spends twice as much time in leisure activities as our forebearers did a hundred years ago.
And they haven't even mentioned the medical strides, such as the virtual eradication of smallpox, polio, TB, measles and chickenpox.
There is one downside: We spend more time in traffic jams.
Wait! There is one more downside: My grandparents never had to contend with dropped calls on their cellphones.
Manufacturing wages are 5 times higher.
The workweek is 30% shorter.
Accidental deaths from cars and planes have dropped by 61%, despite the fact that there are millions more of both cars and us.
The air we breath is 97% cleaner.
Four times as many students are getting their high school diplomas, and six times as many women have Bachelor degrees.
98% of American homes have phones, electricity and indoor plumbing.
More than 75% of Americans have at least 1 car, a microwave oven, cable TV, air conditioning, and a washer and dryer.
The average person spends twice as much time in leisure activities as our forebearers did a hundred years ago.
And they haven't even mentioned the medical strides, such as the virtual eradication of smallpox, polio, TB, measles and chickenpox.
There is one downside: We spend more time in traffic jams.
Wait! There is one more downside: My grandparents never had to contend with dropped calls on their cellphones.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I purchased a shirt last week, and when I checked the label, I found that it was manufactured in Viet Nam. It made me think: What a screwy world we live in, and free trade is the ultimate solution.
Here we are in 2014 wearing clothes made in Viet Nam, and back in the sixties we were locked in a bloody wore with them. In fact, I was drafted in the first big Viet Nam era callup in January of 1966. Prior to then, the army was drafted 2 to 3 thousand guys a month. That January it shot up to 25 thousand men, and went as high as 40 thousand. Fortunately, they shipped my ass to Germany for a year and a half. The only thing I fought was hangovers from German beer. But for the next 8 years, the Viet Nam war raged on. Fifty-seven thousand good Americans were slaughtered, and a hundred thousand were seriously wounded, along with tens of thousands of Viet Namese killed in a pointless, brutal war. Now, decades later, we send them money and they make our clothes.
It is a story repeated from decades earlier, when we went to war against Japan, and hundreds of thousands of Americans and Japanese were killed. A decade after the war, they were our trading partner, and today Japan leads the world in electronics and car manufacturing. Hard to believe that we were once deadly enemie, each bent on destroying the other. The same holds true for Germany, who is now our ally and trading partner.
Now in 2014, it would be inconceivable to wage war against Germany, Japan and Viet Nam. Therein lies the beauty of free trade., because a country has nothing to gain and everything to lose by going to war against a trading partner. Free trade is the ultimate solution to world peace. When countries are interconnected and interdependent, when their prosperity and security depends on export and inport only a damn fool would attack a good customer. A key point to remember is that prior to World War II, Japan and the US were not trading partners; nor was the US and Viet Nam. From their standpoint at the time, they had nothing to lose and everything to gain by attacking us. Today's reality is simpler: You don't kill your best customers; you nurture them.
Read the label on your next clothing or electronic purchase. Instead of bitching about jobs going overseas, be aware of one thing. It is far better to send our dollars abroad land receive desired goods in return, than sending brave young Americans abroad, and receiving bodybags in return.
Here we are in 2014 wearing clothes made in Viet Nam, and back in the sixties we were locked in a bloody wore with them. In fact, I was drafted in the first big Viet Nam era callup in January of 1966. Prior to then, the army was drafted 2 to 3 thousand guys a month. That January it shot up to 25 thousand men, and went as high as 40 thousand. Fortunately, they shipped my ass to Germany for a year and a half. The only thing I fought was hangovers from German beer. But for the next 8 years, the Viet Nam war raged on. Fifty-seven thousand good Americans were slaughtered, and a hundred thousand were seriously wounded, along with tens of thousands of Viet Namese killed in a pointless, brutal war. Now, decades later, we send them money and they make our clothes.
It is a story repeated from decades earlier, when we went to war against Japan, and hundreds of thousands of Americans and Japanese were killed. A decade after the war, they were our trading partner, and today Japan leads the world in electronics and car manufacturing. Hard to believe that we were once deadly enemie, each bent on destroying the other. The same holds true for Germany, who is now our ally and trading partner.
Now in 2014, it would be inconceivable to wage war against Germany, Japan and Viet Nam. Therein lies the beauty of free trade., because a country has nothing to gain and everything to lose by going to war against a trading partner. Free trade is the ultimate solution to world peace. When countries are interconnected and interdependent, when their prosperity and security depends on export and inport only a damn fool would attack a good customer. A key point to remember is that prior to World War II, Japan and the US were not trading partners; nor was the US and Viet Nam. From their standpoint at the time, they had nothing to lose and everything to gain by attacking us. Today's reality is simpler: You don't kill your best customers; you nurture them.
Read the label on your next clothing or electronic purchase. Instead of bitching about jobs going overseas, be aware of one thing. It is far better to send our dollars abroad land receive desired goods in return, than sending brave young Americans abroad, and receiving bodybags in return.
Monday, May 19, 2014
I stand a full 5'6" in height. I'm actually tall for my height. (Get it? Heh, heh). Those of taller stature might refer to those of us below the average male height of 5'8" as vertically challenged. It looks like we short shits may have the last laugh. And I do mean the last laugh.
Researchers in Hawaii just concluded a 50 year study of 8,000 men. Their findings? Shorter men live longer, especially those really short dudes between 4'10" and 5'2". It seems that we little folk have a reserve of cells in our bodies that help in maintaining our internal organs. Added to that, the study found that short men possess an enhanced longevity gene, which, among other things, reduces our risk of cancer. So I have one thing to say to you tall dudes that women go gaga over. We short guys promise to attend your funeral.
Guys, remember how you were always told to have a firm handshake? Well, scientists at the McGill Nutrition and Performance Laboratory tested 203 cancer patients. They had those patients squeeze a device called a dynamometer to measure their grip strength. Doctors then used the results of the tests to determine the strength and endurance of each individual. This aided in determining which patients required the most medical intervention in their cancer treatment and overal care. Just remember to wash your hands after shaking.
Researchers in Hawaii just concluded a 50 year study of 8,000 men. Their findings? Shorter men live longer, especially those really short dudes between 4'10" and 5'2". It seems that we little folk have a reserve of cells in our bodies that help in maintaining our internal organs. Added to that, the study found that short men possess an enhanced longevity gene, which, among other things, reduces our risk of cancer. So I have one thing to say to you tall dudes that women go gaga over. We short guys promise to attend your funeral.
Guys, remember how you were always told to have a firm handshake? Well, scientists at the McGill Nutrition and Performance Laboratory tested 203 cancer patients. They had those patients squeeze a device called a dynamometer to measure their grip strength. Doctors then used the results of the tests to determine the strength and endurance of each individual. This aided in determining which patients required the most medical intervention in their cancer treatment and overal care. Just remember to wash your hands after shaking.
Friday, May 16, 2014
The average dollar bill contains 3000 bacteria.
68% of Americans own pets.
1 out of every 5 workers is over the age of 55
48% of all millionaires in this country are over the age of 55
People who drink 3-5 cups of coffee daily have a 65% lower risk of dementia
The top 50% of taxpayers pay 95% of the tax revenues
1 billion people on earth still defecate out in the open
25 million Americans have diabetes
2/3rds of the earth lies beneath 1000 feet of water
The average heart beats approximately 3 billion times in a lifetime
68% of Americans own pets.
1 out of every 5 workers is over the age of 55
48% of all millionaires in this country are over the age of 55
People who drink 3-5 cups of coffee daily have a 65% lower risk of dementia
The top 50% of taxpayers pay 95% of the tax revenues
1 billion people on earth still defecate out in the open
25 million Americans have diabetes
2/3rds of the earth lies beneath 1000 feet of water
The average heart beats approximately 3 billion times in a lifetime
Thursday, May 15, 2014
You've probably been hearing and reading a lot about gluten recently. Gluten-free this and gluten-free that. So what the hell is gluten and why should we, according to so many in the healthfood field, avoid it like the proverbial plague?
Gluten is a protein composed of 2 proteins: gliaden and glutelin. It is found in grains such as wheat,rye and barley. One of its primary functions is to nourish plant embryos during germination.
The downside is that some people cannot tolerate gluten, particularly those afflicted with celiac disease. When these people consume products containing gluten, it triggers an immune response that can damage the intestines. However, and this is a big however, only about 1% of the population is gluten intolerant. Therefore, to call it harmful is certainly a gross exaggeration. If you do not suffer from a form of gluten intolerance, this protein is not harmful to you in any way, despite what the healthfood industry would have us believe. Gluten is the current nutritional bogeyman, and anti-gluten the current fad. Tomorrow it could be milk and dairy products because a small percentage of the population is lactose intolerant.
Consuming whole grains is an integral part of a healthy diet, providing much needed vitamins, minerals, starches and fiber, so think twice when you see all the anti-gluten propaganda, and all the food products labelled gluten-free. It is just one more marketing ploy. Unfortunately, it seems that common sense is not the current fad.
Gluten is a protein composed of 2 proteins: gliaden and glutelin. It is found in grains such as wheat,rye and barley. One of its primary functions is to nourish plant embryos during germination.
The downside is that some people cannot tolerate gluten, particularly those afflicted with celiac disease. When these people consume products containing gluten, it triggers an immune response that can damage the intestines. However, and this is a big however, only about 1% of the population is gluten intolerant. Therefore, to call it harmful is certainly a gross exaggeration. If you do not suffer from a form of gluten intolerance, this protein is not harmful to you in any way, despite what the healthfood industry would have us believe. Gluten is the current nutritional bogeyman, and anti-gluten the current fad. Tomorrow it could be milk and dairy products because a small percentage of the population is lactose intolerant.
Consuming whole grains is an integral part of a healthy diet, providing much needed vitamins, minerals, starches and fiber, so think twice when you see all the anti-gluten propaganda, and all the food products labelled gluten-free. It is just one more marketing ploy. Unfortunately, it seems that common sense is not the current fad.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
I'm venting again. This time it isn't about words--it's about phrases and sayings that we have come to regard as truisms. First one is "You can be anything you want to be." Nice sentiment and certainly a way to encourage youngsters, but the reality is, you cannot be whatever you want to be. I wanted to be middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears, but at 5'6" and 130 lbs., that was never going to happen. Every year thousands of people migrate to Hollywood to become big stars, yet only a minute fraction of them will make it. The cold hard fact is if you don't have the innate talent, neccessary aptitude or physical attributes for a particular endeavor, you will never achieve your goal.
The next two sayings are really different sides of the same coin: "Everything happens for a reason", and "We're all put here for a purpose." Here is where my religious skepticism comes into play. Both saying suggest there's somebody up there who oversees all the moves and is manipulating our actions like pieces on a chessboard. Truth is, things happen because they happen. Not because there is some kind of mysterious motive behind it. Flip a coin. It will come up either heads or tails. There is no special reason why heads or tails came up. Just blind chance. To say each of us is put on this earth for a specific purpose suggests we are programmed like robots and have no free will.
The last phrase is one we have all heard. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." That saying may have worked when we were kids trying to deflect the taunts and teasing of schoolyard bullies, but I think most of us realize it just ain't so. Probably the overwhelming majority of people, at some point in their lives, have been deeply hurt and wounded by someone elses words. Broken bones will eventually heal and be as good as new, but malicious words cut and wound, and if the wounds are deep enough, they will cause us pain the rest of our lives. So we must think before we speak, because words can be the most crippling of weapons.
The next two sayings are really different sides of the same coin: "Everything happens for a reason", and "We're all put here for a purpose." Here is where my religious skepticism comes into play. Both saying suggest there's somebody up there who oversees all the moves and is manipulating our actions like pieces on a chessboard. Truth is, things happen because they happen. Not because there is some kind of mysterious motive behind it. Flip a coin. It will come up either heads or tails. There is no special reason why heads or tails came up. Just blind chance. To say each of us is put on this earth for a specific purpose suggests we are programmed like robots and have no free will.
The last phrase is one we have all heard. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." That saying may have worked when we were kids trying to deflect the taunts and teasing of schoolyard bullies, but I think most of us realize it just ain't so. Probably the overwhelming majority of people, at some point in their lives, have been deeply hurt and wounded by someone elses words. Broken bones will eventually heal and be as good as new, but malicious words cut and wound, and if the wounds are deep enough, they will cause us pain the rest of our lives. So we must think before we speak, because words can be the most crippling of weapons.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Okay, I'm going to vent. Not the bitchy kind of venting. This is "constructive criticism" kind of venting.
As a writer, there are a few quirks in our language that drive me up the wall. The first one is when people say "I could care less," when what they mean to say is "I couldn't care less." When you say you could care less, that means you really do care, and are actually capable of caring less than you really do.
Next is "irregardless". There is no effing word like irregardless. Question: What is the difference between regardless and irregardless? There is none, so why do we want to tag on an extra syllable to the word?
And what has common usage done to the word "fun"? The way it's used today breaks every rule in the grammar book. For example, people will say "Going to the beach is the funnest thing to do." Really? Word up, yo. There's no effing word like "funnest". It should read "Going to the beach is the most fun." Or people will say "That is so fun." Sorry. That is so illiterate. It should be, "That is so much fun." So much for the value of public education.
My last bitch--err--I mean vent. "Conversate". Again, there is no effing word like conversate, but it is gradually sneaking into everyday usage. Instead of saying "We had a conversation," people will say "We conversated." Or "We should conversate," instead of saying "We should converse." Why the hell would we want to add on another syllable to a word? Next thing you know, instead of people saying "I had to crap," they will say "I had to crapolate."
Holy crap on a cracker!
As a writer, there are a few quirks in our language that drive me up the wall. The first one is when people say "I could care less," when what they mean to say is "I couldn't care less." When you say you could care less, that means you really do care, and are actually capable of caring less than you really do.
Next is "irregardless". There is no effing word like irregardless. Question: What is the difference between regardless and irregardless? There is none, so why do we want to tag on an extra syllable to the word?
And what has common usage done to the word "fun"? The way it's used today breaks every rule in the grammar book. For example, people will say "Going to the beach is the funnest thing to do." Really? Word up, yo. There's no effing word like "funnest". It should read "Going to the beach is the most fun." Or people will say "That is so fun." Sorry. That is so illiterate. It should be, "That is so much fun." So much for the value of public education.
My last bitch--err--I mean vent. "Conversate". Again, there is no effing word like conversate, but it is gradually sneaking into everyday usage. Instead of saying "We had a conversation," people will say "We conversated." Or "We should conversate," instead of saying "We should converse." Why the hell would we want to add on another syllable to a word? Next thing you know, instead of people saying "I had to crap," they will say "I had to crapolate."
Holy crap on a cracker!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Canadian researchers who studied a group of subjects age 65 and older found that exercising just twice a week for 30 minutes resulted in younger looking skin. After only 3 months, the researchers took skin samples, analyzed them under a microscope and discovered that the skin layers resembled that of a person 30 years younger.
In ordinary aging, the outer layer of skin thickens and becomes dry and dense, while the collagen in the inner layers grows thinner, causing wrinkling and sagging.
When skin samples from the subjects were studied, it was found that exercise reversed the process. The outer layer grew thinner, and the collagen in the inner layers grew thicker, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.
So put away those expensive creams, and bring out the weights and running shoes
In ordinary aging, the outer layer of skin thickens and becomes dry and dense, while the collagen in the inner layers grows thinner, causing wrinkling and sagging.
When skin samples from the subjects were studied, it was found that exercise reversed the process. The outer layer grew thinner, and the collagen in the inner layers grew thicker, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.
So put away those expensive creams, and bring out the weights and running shoes
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Researchers in Australia have discovered that stem cells taken from teeth can be altered and grown to resemble brain cells. The hope is that one day these cells can be used to restore brain tissue damaged by strokes. Beyond that, they may possess the potential to combat brain cancer and Alzheimers disease. The moral of this story is don't give your teeth to the tooth fairy.
Danish scientists found that injecting stem cells directly into the heart can help patients suffering from heart failure. The stem cells promote the development of new blood vessels as well as heart muscle tissue.
Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered a way to take mammary stem cells and keep them alive in the lab. These stem cells are responsible for forming breast tissue. Scientists hope that by keeping these cells functioning, they can determine if they also play a role in breast cancer.
And to think some religions and politicians wanted to halt stem cell research. I suppose they prefer to deal with the tooth fairy.
Danish scientists found that injecting stem cells directly into the heart can help patients suffering from heart failure. The stem cells promote the development of new blood vessels as well as heart muscle tissue.
Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered a way to take mammary stem cells and keep them alive in the lab. These stem cells are responsible for forming breast tissue. Scientists hope that by keeping these cells functioning, they can determine if they also play a role in breast cancer.
And to think some religions and politicians wanted to halt stem cell research. I suppose they prefer to deal with the tooth fairy.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Every 98 minutes, a cop shoots a dog somewhere in the US.
56% of Americans own smartphones.
50% of the land west of the Mississippi River is owned by the Federal Government. 81% of Nevada is owned by the Feds.
84% of Americans have higher incomes than their parents had at the same age.
66% of Illinois residents were born in Illinois, while 68% of Indiana residents were born in Indiana.
60% percent of Illinois residents say they would like to leave the state.
Data fronm the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that winter temperatures have declined by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 20 years.
US air emissions have declined 70% since 1980.
5.6% of uninsured African Americans have enrolled in Obamacare. 11.7% of uninsured Hispanics have enrolled.
In a recent poll, only 7% of journalists described themselves as Republicans. Four times that number described themselves as Democrats. So much for fair and balanced news.
By 2019, white children under the age of 10 will be a minority in the US.
Drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day could reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50%.
Finally, a science fiction writer from the 40's, 50's and 60's named Theodore Sturgeon came up with something he called STURGEON'S LAW. STURGEON'S LAW states that 95% of everything is bullshit. The man was a genius.
56% of Americans own smartphones.
50% of the land west of the Mississippi River is owned by the Federal Government. 81% of Nevada is owned by the Feds.
84% of Americans have higher incomes than their parents had at the same age.
66% of Illinois residents were born in Illinois, while 68% of Indiana residents were born in Indiana.
60% percent of Illinois residents say they would like to leave the state.
Data fronm the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that winter temperatures have declined by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 20 years.
US air emissions have declined 70% since 1980.
5.6% of uninsured African Americans have enrolled in Obamacare. 11.7% of uninsured Hispanics have enrolled.
In a recent poll, only 7% of journalists described themselves as Republicans. Four times that number described themselves as Democrats. So much for fair and balanced news.
By 2019, white children under the age of 10 will be a minority in the US.
Drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day could reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50%.
Finally, a science fiction writer from the 40's, 50's and 60's named Theodore Sturgeon came up with something he called STURGEON'S LAW. STURGEON'S LAW states that 95% of everything is bullshit. The man was a genius.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Myth 1: The brain shrinks--The truth is the brain does not shrink. Your nose and ears continue to grow, making it appear that your brain is shrinking.
Myth 2: Most seniors are so destitute, they're reduced to eating dog food.--That is false. Many of us prefer cat food.
Myth 3: Sense of hearing begins to fail-- False. We just don't care to listen to everyone's bullshit.
Myth 4: Seniors do not require as much sleep as younger people--False. Becasue male seniors have to get up 5 or 6 times a night to go to the john, we actually require more sleep.
Myth 5: There is less sex--False. There is just as much sex. It's just that the seniors aren't getting any of it.
Myth 2: Most seniors are so destitute, they're reduced to eating dog food.--That is false. Many of us prefer cat food.
Myth 3: Sense of hearing begins to fail-- False. We just don't care to listen to everyone's bullshit.
Myth 4: Seniors do not require as much sleep as younger people--False. Becasue male seniors have to get up 5 or 6 times a night to go to the john, we actually require more sleep.
Myth 5: There is less sex--False. There is just as much sex. It's just that the seniors aren't getting any of it.
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