Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The Veterans Administration scandal is a scary look into the future if Obamacare is allowed to expand. The stated goal of many Democrats is to ultimately have a single payer healthcare system in which there is no private  health insurance. Instead, everyone of us would be dependent upon a Federal healthcare system they way veterans are dependent upon the VA. If the Feds cannot operate a first class health system  for a few million military veterans, how can we expect them to operate a system for all 306 millions citizens?

Amercians cannot allow themselves to be fooled by the Feds constant atack on private insurance companies. By portraying these companies as the villians, the government hopes to have us running to them for salvation. The Feds despicable treatment of veterans could be our future if we permit our representitives to pass more laws like Obamacare. Competition for customers in the free market gives rise to efficiency and responsiveness. When the government is the only supplier of goods and services, we become pawns and victims of political incompetance and corruption.

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