Monday, May 12, 2014


Okay, I'm going to vent. Not the bitchy kind of venting. This is "constructive criticism" kind of venting.

As a writer, there are a few quirks in our language that drive me up the wall. The first one is when people say "I could care less," when what they mean to say is "I couldn't care less." When you say you could care less, that means you really do care, and are actually capable of caring less than you really do.

Next is "irregardless".  There is no effing word like irregardless. Question: What is the difference between regardless and irregardless? There is none, so why do we want to tag on an extra syllable to the word?

And what has common usage done to the word "fun"? The way it's used today breaks every rule in the grammar book. For example, people will say "Going to the beach is the funnest thing to do." Really? Word up, yo. There's no effing word like "funnest". It should read "Going to the beach is the most fun." Or people will say "That is so fun." Sorry. That is so illiterate. It should be, "That is so much fun." So much for the value of public education.

My last bitch--err--I mean vent. "Conversate". Again, there is no effing word like conversate, but it is gradually sneaking into everyday usage. Instead of saying "We had a conversation," people will say "We conversated." Or "We should conversate," instead of saying "We should converse." Why the hell would we want to add on another syllable to a word? Next thing you know, instead of people saying "I had to crap," they will say "I had to crapolate."

Holy crap on a cracker!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Uncle Con! You learned me a whole lot with this. I HATE when people think they are learned, not taught. Don't get me started.

    Many could use a tutorial on their, there, to, two, your, you're, its, it's and WHEN TO USE A COMMA. It's time to eat Grandpa or It's time to eat, Grandpa. Big difference.
