Saturday, December 20, 2014


The decision by the Obama Administration to renew diplomatic relations with Cuba has stirred up stong reactions on both sides of the issue. There are man Cuban exiles in Miami who are calling the President a traitor for wanting to start up relations with the Castro brothers.

During Obama's  6 year tenure, there has rarely been an issue with which I have agreed. This is one of those rare instances. The original intent of the Cuban embargo and sanctions was to oust Fidel Castro and his communist revolution. Do enough economic damage, the thinking went, and eventually the Castro regime would collapse, and the island would be cleansed of communism. So how has it worked so far? After more than half a century, the Castro brothers are still in power, and Marxism is the law of the land. It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to see that the policy has been an absolute, abject failure with  a capital F.

Want to get rid of the commies? Then renewing diplomatic relations is a way to start. Trade sanctions will be loosened, Americans will be allowed to travel to Cuba, and exiles will be united with families. Good ole American dollars will begin to pour into the island like a green hurricane. Tourism will take root, bringing cruise ships and airlines.The influx of visitors and cash will mean hotels will be built, US companies like Walmart, McDonalds, Home Depot, etc. will branch out, creating much needed jobs, rebuilding a crumbling infrastructure and igniting a long dormant economy, while putting cash into the pockets of impoverished Cubans. And that is what will eventually eradicate the communist ideology that has paralyzed the island for almost 60 years.

Need proof? You have only to look to China. Under the despotic rule of Chairman Mao, China was a backward feudal state of starving peasants. It is estimated that between 10 and 30 million Chinese perished  at the hands of Chairman Mao. When he finally took his dirt nap, a more liberal leadership took over and abandoned much of the Marxist dogma, replacing it with economic reforms,  increased individual freedom, and a desire to be trading partners with the rest of the world.

The result?  China has become a major economic powerhouse, the largest purchaser of automobiles in the world, with an ever-expanding middleclass now able to enjoy many of the amenities we take for granted. Do you think for a second the Chinese people would allow themselves to return to a Chairman Mao style dictatorship?

And so it will be with Cuba in the next ten to twenty years. Once the wonderous genie of a market economy is released from the bottle, there is no putting him back. Freedom and prosperity always trumps tyranny.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


In the midst of last night's riots in Ferguson, one protester held up a sign that read: BLACK LIVES MATTER. They absolutely do, as do all lives. But the implication of the sign and the protesters is that racism is the cause of black deaths; that it is white peole in general, and white cops in particular who have the blood of black people on their hands. On closer inspection, this assumption is found to be deeply flawed.

According to FBI statistics, 97% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. In Chicago in 2013, 79.7% of black homicides victims were killed by other blacks. Only 2% of black deaths were at the hands of a white offender. Clearly the black community must look inward if the killing of African Americans is to stop.

It is easy to blame others and to strike out at perceived enemies. The very act releases anger and fear and resentment. It is far more difficult and demanding to look within,  to find fault and flaw with one's own culture, and to try and find solutions to the ills that threaten to destroy that culture.

Some years ago, a comic strip named POGO coined a phrase that succinctly sums up the problem with Ferguson and every major city: "We have found the enemy, and the enemy is us."

Monday, November 10, 2014


Last week's election results revealed the inaccuracies of 2 themes that the Democrats, the liberal media, and even some Republicans, have pounded incessantly since Obama's election.

The first theme pounded like a drum solo states that the Republican Party is irrrelevant, that they cannot get elected, and that they are a political party that will soon be relegated to permanent runner-up status. Really? On November 4th, the GOP padded its majority in the House of Representitives, regained the majority in the Senate, added more governors, which now total 31 of the 50 states, and elected more candidates on the state level than anytime in the past 100 years.Does that add up to runner-up status?

The second theme regurgitated by the Dems and the liberal media is that the Republican Party is composed of "old white guys," and that the Dems are the only party with a big tent that encompasses Blacks, Hispanics and women. What happened in this past election?  Mia Love of Utah became the first Republican black woman elected to Congress. Tim Scott became the first black senator from the south to be elected sine the Reconstruction. In Texas, Will Hurd, another black candidate,  won a Congressional seat. In my own home state of Indiana, three Republican women were elected  to the state House, and a Republican woman captured the office of Secretary of State.

While these are not huge numbers, they do indicate a crack in the wall of African American political loyalties, andit gives the lie to the belief that Republicans do not want black or female candidates. The GOP has much more work yet to do, but slowly and surely the old stereotypes trumpeted by Dems and liberal journalists are beginning to fade the way all stereotypes should.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The case of alleged Gary, Indiana serial killer, Darren Vann,is both shocking and chilling. Vann has copped to the murders of 4 women, and Gary police are searching for 3 more bodies. In addition, there is speculation that Vann may have murdered other women across the couintry over the past 20 years.

When a case like this hits the headlines, it is often the police who bear the brunt of the criticism: Why didn't they find the killer sooner? Why couldn't they prevent these murders? The common complaints are not enough police; not enough funding of police; incompetent officers. While these reasons may be part of the problem, there is yet one more factor behind high crime rates that draws scant attention. Our judicial system.

In Texas, back in the nineties, Darren Vann raped and attempted to strangle a woman. For this brutal crime, he was sentenced to a lousy, stinking 5 years for rape and attempted murder. People have gotten longer sentences for a few DUI's.

Flash forward to Gary, Indiana. Darren Vann assaulted his girlfriend, doused her with gasoline and attempted to set her on fire. His punishment for this repugnant crime? Probation!!! That's right, not a single second of punishment behind bars for attempting to set his girlfriend on fire. What the hell was the judge thinking? What kind of deal did prosecutors make?

Darren Vann isn't the only example of judicial irresponsibility.How many times have we heard or read about dangerous criminals getting a slap on the wrist from a judge, then going out and commiting a heinous crime?

It is time the judicial system be held accountable. Lenient sentences by too many political hack judges are costing lives and wasting taxpayer dollars. There are judges that need to be removed from the Bench before more victims are removed from this earth.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Yesterday I filled my car with gas and paid $3.06 a gallon. Just this past spring I paid 4 bucks a gallon. Why the drop in gas prices? There are many diverse factors that go into determining the price of oil, but certainly one of the primary factors is a thing called "fracking." Fracking is  the technique used to extract petroleum from shale rock. There are many goups around the country that are vehemently opposed to fracking and are fighting to stop it. Who can blame them? It's those damn evil, greedy oil companies looking to screw us again. Let me list the horrors created by fracking.

1. The US has become the world's leading producer of liquid petroleum products, beating out the Saudis. We have gone from producing 8 million barrels of oil a day, to 12 million barrels a day.

2. True to the laws of supply and demand, the increase in oil has brought the price of gasoline down, putting more money in the pockets of working people.

3. Fracking has created thousands of good paying jobs. Not minimum wage jobs, but jobs paying 30 dollars an hour and up.

4.We have become less dependent on foreign oil, thereby keeping more money in the US, while creating more jobs.

5. We are sending billion of dollars less to the Middle-East, where some of that money ends up in the pockets of Islamic terrorists who have vowed to destroy our country.

I know...right? Fracking is a terrible idea. What happened to the good ole days when we paid 4 dollars a gallon for gas?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I am often asked why I am a libertarian, and exactly what is a libertarian. In general terms, libertarians  believe in a very small and limited government because 80% of all politicians are unprincipiled, arrogant and ignorant. I will provide an example of the ignorance of our elected officials.

One of the constant themes that government promotes is about "saving." Politicians and economists lament that Americans do not save enough of their hard earned wages, and they are not incorrect in that appraisal. Save, we are told. SAVE. SAVE. SAVE. Save for a rainy day. Save for your retirement because you can't count on social security or medicare to do it all. Save if you want your golden years to be financially secure and worry-free.

Save I did. Not because the government told me, but because it is the sensible, practical and rational thing to do. Like tens of millions of Americans, I have a 401K account and an IRA. Now here comes the interesting part. When I hit 70 1/2 years of age, I received a notice from the IRS advising me that I would now have to make a compulsory withdrawal from my IRA and 401K on an annual basis, or face severe penalties. So what happened to the virtue of saving money? What happened to setting money aside for protection and security in our senior years?

What happened is this: the 401K's and IRA's are tax exempt, which means the money growing in those accounts can't be touched by the IRS. At some point, the politicans realized they were losing billions of dollars, so in their utter lack of wisdom and economic commons sense, they passed a law that forces American seniors to begin making minimunm withdrawls when they reach 70 1/2, the amount determined by the amount in their accounts. In plain and simple terms it amounts to a money grab the way the mafia used to extort money from honest shopkeepers. (You don't pay us, somethin' bad could happen to yer establishment.)

The government wants a piece of those billions, and to hell with your financial security or the wisdom of saving. Added to that is the tax placed on the interest earned on everyone's savings. How does that promote frugality?  Can you think of a more short-sighted, self-defeating, stupid and unprincipiled policy?

That is one reason I am a libertarian. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Monday, September 22, 2014


An event called  "The People's Climate March" took place in New York City this past Sunday to demonstrate against "climate change." Typically, these anti-capitalist, mini-Marxists spouted slogans, buzz words and misinformation designed to win support and sympathy for their movement. I thought it would be informative to examine just two of their mantras and check them for accuracy and intellectual honesty.

One of the campaigns of environmentalists is to urge people to use paper bags instead of plastic bags at the supermarket. Paper or plastic. Well, they say the correct answer is paper. Or is it? Mull these numbers over while you're bagging your groceries.
1. Paper bags cost 3 times more to manufacture than plastic bags.
2. The manufacturing process for paper bags causes 50 times more pollution than the process for plastic bags.
3. Paper bags take up 5 times more space in landfills than plastic bags.
Finally,  there is one glaring inconsistency in the paper versus plastic argument. We are constantly being told how we must preserve our trees and forest acreage, but replacing plastic with paper will result in even more trees being cut down.

The other mantra of the climate change mini-Marxists is their stand against big oil and fossil fuels, and their advocacy of bio-fuels.. They tell us ethanol can save the planet from filthy air and filthy oil companies. Ponder a few of these numbers while  filling up your tank.
1.Fuel mileage with ethanol is 25% lower than gas.
2 .40% of our corn crop goes for ethanol, which, in turn, raises the price of food commodities.
3.  Corn production erodes the soil 20 times faster than the soil is formed.
4. Burning ethanol produces carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, which are 2 gases that help create acid rain.
5. Producing a gallon of ethanol conusmes more energy than it produces.
6. Ethanol companies receive 5 billion dollars a year in taxpayer subsidies.
7. If every vehicle in the US  converted to ethanol, it would require that 90% of our cropland be used exclusively for corn production.
8. Because ethanol is corrosive it cannot be transported via pipelines, and therefore, it must be transported by truck and train, consuming even more fuel.

One last note. The theme of the People's Climate March was climate change. It is important to realize they did not use the term "global warming," since there has been none since 1998. They are hedging their bets, so no matter which way the environment goes, they can smugly raise their hands and say, "See, we told you so." This intellectual dishonesty proves that the environmental crusade is not about saving the planet, but about furthering socialist political and social agendas.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


A literary journal named Black Book Press published a poem of mine several years ago commemorating 9/11. I thought it would be an appropropriate time to post it.

                                                    THE TWIN DESTROYERS

Evil arrived sheathed in a metallic skin,
a winged hypodermic needle
injecting terror and death
into the American psyche

The Twin Towers pointed skyward,
a pair of monuments to free minds
and unfettered intellects,
where dreams and reality meld and mutate

Mohammed's tribes sprang from their caves
like rabid bats, fueled by random emotions,
blinded by a thousand years of darkness,
hating what they do not understand

Where the Towers challenged the heavens,
the tribes wallowed
in the muck of superstition,
force their only path,
myths their only blessed truths

Evil hates achievers,
for the world of evil is constructed
on pain and suffering,
where mindless sacrifice is the highest value

So erect more towers
to heights the tribes cannot scale,
and let the tortured alloy of our hearts
provide the impenetrable material

What intellect builds,
tribalism seeks to demolish,
so be ever watchful
of those twin destroyers of humanity:

Faith and force

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


The Ray Rice fiasco in the NFL is a perfect example of how we have our priorities screwed up in our culture. Rice coldcocks his wife with  a vicious left hook in an elevator, knocks her unconscious, then drags her lifeless body out of the elevator as if it were  a fresh carcass.. And for this he was punished with a ridiculous 2 game suspension. Meanwhile, another NFL player, Josh Gordon, failed a drug test for marijuana and was suspended for an entire season.

Is it just me or is justice completely whacko and out of kilter? According to the National Football League, smoking weed is 8 times worse than beating a woman unconscious. Apparently the NFL values a smoke-free environment more than the safety and wellbeing of women.

The problem here is two-fold. First, too many people are completely ignorant regarding marijuana, and have swallowed all the hysterical anti-weed propaganda. Second, we have a tendency to put our athletic stars, regardless of the sport, on a pedestal and treat them like gods and heroes who can do no wrong, especially if they play for our team. And if they do do wrong, well, give them a slap on the tush and let them play, because our team needs the wins and we need the goddamn entertainment. What Americans need to do is quit idolizing athletes, especially the ones who beat their partners, string together DUI'S, and father kids out of wedlock that they never bother to raise.

So let's start small. Let's turn off sports for 30 minutes each week and open a freakin' book. The women of this country will thank you for it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


1. 1.5 million gallons of water are used everyday in Walt Disney World.

2. 71% of people polled want the US to continue bombing Isis.

3.In 1970 there were 89 breweries in the US. Today there are approximately 3200.

4. Only 30% of aging is due to genetics. The other  70% is determined by lifestyle.

5. Only 63.4% of people between the ages of 18-29 are employed.

6. According to the  US Department of Justice, violent crimes have decreased by 70% since 1993.

7. FBI reports from 2012 show that of all criminal suspects killed by police, 52% were white, 31% Black, and 12% Hispanic.

8. Wine was first produced 8,000 years ago in the Caucuses.

9. It is estimated that 5 million golfers have stopped playing the game in the past decade.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Someone once said that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. It could also be said that misinformation that passes for fact can be a dangerous thing because it can distort issues and prejudice our thinking. Below is a list of nine items that our "common wisdom" has ordained as fact. Some are serious, others are silly. How many of the nine have you regarded as fact?

Myth 1: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women.
Fact: While 43,000 women a year die of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease kills a half million women annually.

Myth 2: Cinderella's slipper was made of glass.
Fact: In the original version of Cinderella written in Old French, her slippers were made of white squirrel fur, or "vair." Subsequent translations mistook "vair" for "verre," which means glasss; hence, Cinderella has been wearing glass slippers ever since.

Myth 3: Our forests are swiftly disappearing.
Fact: We have more forest acreage than  a century ago. According to the US Forestry Service, the US grows 22 million cubic feet of wood a year, while cutting down 16.5 million cubic feet a year, a net increase of 36% annually.

Myth 4: Teen smoking is on the rise.
Fact: Recent studies have found that 15% of current high schooler seniors smoke at least a half pack daily, compared to 20% of seniors in 1979.

Myth 5: The number of police officers killed in the line of duty is increasing.
Fact: Figures from the US Bureau kof Statistics show that in 1973, 134 police officers were killed in the line of duty nationwide. Forty years later that number fell to 51 officers killed.

Myth 6: Sharks must keep moving or die.
Fact: While most species of shark breath by swimming with their mouths open, other species, such as the sandtiger, bull and lemon sharks can breath without having to swim.

Myth 7: The term "shyster" is derived from Shylock, the Shakespeare character.
Fact: "Shyster" is actually derived from the name of an unscrupulous American lawyer named Scheuster, who practiced law in the 1840's.

Myth 8: Urban sprawl is rapidly overtaking our nation.
Fact: Cities and suburbs comprise a mere 3% of the total US land area. In fact, according to the Pacific Research Institute, the amount of government protected land has tripled in the past 30 years.

Myth 9: Lemmings are furry little animals who leap off cliffs.
Fact: Lemmings, which are members of the rodent family, do not follow one another into the sea to drown. Being migratory animals, they leave their home areas when food grows scarce, and will forge rivers and streams in search of food. Unfortunately,  sometimes they attempt to swim across bodies of water that are too deep for them to negotiate. The result is that large numbers of the animal perish.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Burger King has announced the purchase of Canadian donut chain, "Tim Horton's", and move part of their corporate headquarters to Onatrio. The move will save Burger King millions of tax dollars, since the Canadian corporate tax rate is 15%. Predicatably, the left went apoplectic when they heard the news. Illinois Senator Dick Durbin denounced the move and vowed to close the loophole that has become known as "corporate inversion." President Obama declared as ""unpatriotic" any US business that moves its headquarters to another country as a tax dodge. So is the King really a joker, or an ace when it comes to patriotism and business strategy?

I wrote in a previous blog that the US corporate tax rate of 35% is the highest in the world, which means US companies are at a decided disadvantage when competing in the world market. Last year, Burger King paid a rate of 27%. Compare that to the Canadian rate of 15%, and its clear why the King booked. Corporations don't become and remain successful by being stupid. When the rest of us ordinary folks do our taxes every year, do we not seek out and utilize every legal tax advantage we can find? Only a total idiot would refuse to do so. Afterall, our incomes and corporate revenues are not the property of the government.

When the likes of Obama and Durbin accuse companies of being "unpatriotic," they portray this legal tax loophole as a way to steal money from working people, and predict economic disaster. The only "whoppers" being cooked up come from the Dems, who fear the loss of their welfare state financing.

Let's leave off the pickles and mustard and take a bite of the real numbers. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that over the next 10 years, US corporations will pay 4.5 trillion dollars in taxes. The CBO also estimates that losses from "corporate inversion" will amount to a microscopic 0.5% of those tax revenues over the next decade. Hardly a financial apocalypse.

Don't blame Burger King. The King is just doing what any rational person would do: He is hiding his money from the muggers.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


1. Walt Disney World is the second largest purchaser of explosives after the Department Of Defense.

2. Wages are down 23% since Obama took office.

3.Over 600,000 people a year visit Graceland, making it the second most visited private home after the White House.

4. 84% of Americans at one time or another buy organic food.

5. Most recent stats shop that 109,631,000 Americans receive some sort of welfare.

6. A study has found that the Democrat Party pays African American campaign workers 1/3 less than white campaign workers.

7. A study of three and a half million people determined that married people had a 5% less risk of cardiovascular disease than single people.

8. 1,472,000 Americans have stopped looking for work since Obama became president.

9. 194,871 miles of toilet paper are used annually at Walt Disney World.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Willie Nelson and Neil Young have announced that on Sept. 27 they will hold a "Harvest Hope" concert in Neligh, Nebraska. The purpose of the concert is to raise money and protest the Keystone XL pipeline that would run through tribal land in the state of Nebraska.

Down through the years, Willie and Neil have portrayed themselves as champions of the (take your pick) "underdog", the "little guys", the "downtrodden", "blue collar/working class" types. Apparently all their years of smoking ganja has fogged their thought processes. They consider the pipeline and oil companies to be the enemy. Below are 4 reasons why their anti-corporate, big government thinking is skewered:

1. Funneling more oil into the US will increase the supply, and when supplies are increased, gas prices stabalize and generally go down. That's good for  the little guy.

2. Willie and Neil are strong supporters of American workers, and the idea of "buy American." The pipeline will mean more oil will come from America, and less from the Middle-east and Russia. That's good for the little guy.

3. Building the pipeline will create more jobs. That's good for the little guy.

4. The bulk of these new jobs will be good to high paying jobs, rather than minimum wage. That's good for the little guy.

5.Finally, the concern over "tribal lands"  is a remnant of superstitious and mythical thinking. Tribalism is the crudest,most rudimentary and destructive form of social organization, and has no place in the  21st century. Violence in Africa, the Congo, and the religious wars in the Middle-east are primary examples of tribalism and the "my tribe is better than your tribe" mentality. Just look at the bloodshed in Iraq betwen the Sunnis and Sheeites.

So, Willie and Neil,  if you really want to help the downtrodden, snuff out the blunts, discard your 19th century socialist/collectivst thinking, and help put more money and self-respect into the hands of working men and women,.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


We live in the age of the conspiracy theory. If one is to believe conspiracy advocates, every major event that has happened is the result of a conspiracy between unseen and unnamed groups or individuals. Here are a few examples: The 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression; the JFK assassination; the Bobby Kennedy assassination; the moon landing; 9-11; the Iraq invasion; and the newest one--Ebola epidemic. And who is involved in these conspiracies? Depending on which conspiracy advocate you ask, it is the Federal Government, a cabal of international bankers; various religious groups;multi-national corporations, or a combination of these groups.

If one is to believe these theories, no event simply happens; it is the result of unseen forces manipulating and pulling strings to bring these events into play.For example, it wasn't some unhinged schmuck named Oswald who killed Kennedy It was (take your pick) the CIA, LBJ, the mafia, Fidel Castro, those international bankers, or a combination thereof. Afterall, believing the killer was some nondescript malcontent like Oswald is nowhere near as exciting, interesting and mysterious as believing in a sinister behind-the-scenes, multi-player conspiracy plot.

Adjunct professor, author and publisher of Skeptic Magazine, Michael Shermer, wrote in his book, THE BELIEVING BRAIN, "From sensory data flowing through the senses, the brain naturally begins to look for and find patterns, and then infuses those patterns with meaning. Our brains evolved to connect the dots of our world into meaningful patterns that explain why things happen. Those patterns become beliefs, and those beliefs shape our understanding of reality. Once beliefs are formed, the brain begins to look for and find confirmatory evidence in support of those beliefs."

That isn't to say there aren't true conspiracies, but to blame every major historical event on secretive organizations and actors stretches the limits of credulity. To show how misguided this can be, conspirscy theorists seem to have forgotten the primary conspirator behind all world trajedies: the devil.

And if you believe that theory, I have some shares in a bank cabal I'd like to sell you.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


1. Frequency of 90% days has been plummeting for 80 years, and so far, 2014 is lowest of all.

2. 28,504 record low temperatures were set in 2013 in the US, while only 13,205 record high temperatures were set.

3. US Historical Climatology Network data shows that winter temperatures have been in a cooling trend since 1930.

4. After Hurricane Katrina, climatologists predicted swarms of killer hurricanes would devastate the gulf states, yet Florida has now gone over 3100 days without a hurricane.

Friday, August 1, 2014


Occassionally we will read or hear about researchers who have spent millions of  dollars (usually taxpayers')  researching various subjects and coming to conclusions any 10 year old could have figured out, and for a hell of a lot less money. Here are a few of these lamebrained headlines:

Healthy lifestyle adds years to your life.

Study shows that doing something is better than doing nothing for most people.

Fistbumps are less contagious than handshakes.

A CDC study revealed that women who have more non-marital sexual partners are less likely to have a stable marriage.

People who are afraid of losing money invest more conservatively in the stockmarket.

Duh! No shit, Sherlock!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


43,252,003,274,489,856,000: This is the number of Rubics Cube combinations.

Sun exposure of 20-30 minutes daily could reduce the risk of pancreatic and ovarion cancer by 30% to 40%.

In 1950, fewer than 3 of 10 Americans took a daily bath in the winter. Today 3 of 4 take a daily winter bath or shower.

The average American today has three more teeth than the average American in 1970.

The latest CNN poll shows that in an election rematch between Obama and Romney, Romney would win by 53% to 44%.

10% of enrollies in New York City international highschools are illegal immingrants.

Heads of households who are 70 years of age or older will increase by 42% by 2075.

Monday, July 28, 2014


This past Thursday at the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, President Obama railed that American companies that move their headquarters overseas are "corporate deserters." Furthermore, he stated, "The Democrats are in favor of rewriting the tax code to punish corporations who head to foreign countries."

Is this the right approach? Absolutely not. Why are these so-called "deserters" moving their headquarters from the US to foreign countries? There is one simple answer. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world--35%. By comparison, the United Kingdom is 23%, Canada is 15%, China is 25%, Germany is 15%, Japan is 25.5%, Hong Kong is 16.5%. Even Russia, the former capital of communism, has a tax rate of 20%. The fact that we have  the world's highest corporate tax rate puts American companies at a decided disadvantage when it comes to world trade. Very few foreign companies are coming to the US to set up their businesses. Why would they, when they can stay home and keep more of their own money? If Obama is truly concerned about "corporate deserters," and is truly interested in creating more jobs in this country, the logical move would be to lower our corporate taxe rate. The genuinely patriotic gesture would be to provide our companies with every advantage to remain competitive in world trade and increase their profits. Greater profits means 4 things: more jobs, more secure jobs, higher pay  rates, increased stock prices, which in turn benefits the tens of millions of working and retired Americans with 401K's, pension plans and various investment programs, making their families more secure.

But instead of aiding American companies, Obama and the Democrats want to punish them further by raising taxes, proving once and for all that Obama is perhaps the most anti-business president in our history. It is yet more proof that he is (1) ideologically opposed to the free market system (2) that he has limited knowledge of how a free market system functions efficiently.

To create more jobs and lower unemployment, we need to stop punishing American enterprise, because when they are punished, American workers are also punished.

Friday, July 25, 2014


In the past decade the global warming debate between environmentalists and global warming skeptics, of which I am one, has been heating up (no pun intended). One side claims we're on the brink of catastrophic climate change, while the other side says there are no scientific facts to back up global warming, and that doomsday predictions are merely scare tactics that are politically motivated.

Now the accusations against the global warming crowd have gained greater validity as they inadvertantly put their collective feet in their collective mouths and revealed their real motives. One hundred thirty environmental groups from around the world participated in a climate change conference in the socialist country of Venezuela. A paper called the Margarita Declaration was presented at the conference. A statement in the declaration tore away the facade of scientific inquiry when it stated: Global warming cannot be stopped without ending the hegemony of the capitalist system. Bazanga!!! That statement reveals the real agenda of environmentalists and lays to waste their scientific arguments.

Until the 1980's, leftist groups proudly proclaimed themselves to be Marxists or communists, and vowed the destruction of the capitalist free market system.  During the 1980's, and particularly after the fall of the Soviet Union,communism was essentially discredited in the eyes of everyone except the most radical leftists. Suddenly the terms Marxist and communist fell out of favor, and left leaning political groups quickly shunned those descriptions of their movement. However, their political goals remained the same: Defeat capitalism. How could they shed their old Bolshevik image and still achieve their goals? They found a new tactic and new buzzword: Environmentalism.

Jumping on the bandwagon of the environmental movement provided the Left with a cover for their political jihad agaisnt western capitalism. Note their attacks and who they branded as the villains of global warming: The United States, western Europe and Japan--the most prominent of capitalist countries. Why are these countries the supposed enemy? Because they drive cars and SUV's, devour fossil fuels, build factories, consume electrical power for heating, cooling and computers, despoil nature through oil drilling and fracking. And the biggest villains of all, according to Leftists, are the multi-national corporations and their voracious appetite for evil profits. In other words, the Left opposes everything that provides these countries with prosperity, longevity, freedom and the highest living standards of anywhere on earth.

Note the Left's solution to this alleged crisis: Government intervention with strict regulations of the economy and every aspect of the average citizen's life. In other words, communism.

The Left is savvy enough to understand that spouting Marxist rhetoric  will turn people off. But if they dress up their declarations with the facade of science and climate change hand wringing, they believe they can hoodwink the world into unwittingly accept Marxist doctrine. While the debate is ostensibly about science and saving the earth, it is really about a struggle between political and economic systems. One side distorts science to spread fear and distrust of technology and free markets, while the other side uses science to defend a system that brings prosperity and individual freedom.

Who had the superior quality of life? East Germany or West Germany? Who now enjoys a better quality of life? North Korea or South Korea?

One side seeks to blind us with science and fear mongering, while the other side seeks to enlighten us with science and reason.

Choose your side wisely.

Friday, July 18, 2014


According to the journal, Nature Climate Change, ethanol fuels release 7% more greenhouse gases than petroleum fuels.

In 1994 it was reported that 11% of American men did not engage in any regular exercise. Today, that number is 43%.

Parents give young children, on average, $1360.00 annually in the form of allowances, gifts and rewards.

After age 30, a man's testosterone level drops 1% a year.

Recent polls show that 55% of Hispanics  oppose Obama's immigration policy.

Average American male has 6 to 9 hours a week more leisure time today than 50 years ago.

In 1970, 40% of American households consisted of a married couple with children. Today that number is 19%.

In 1960, 72% of adults were married. Today that number is 51%.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


The human tsunami of illegal immigrants now washing over our southern border is the preview of a major crisis for our country if this policy is not changed. Over the past 9 months, tens of thousands of illegals have made their way into this country, bringing with them, according to border agents, scabies, lice, whooping cough, pneumonia, swine flu and meningitis.

Among those illegals are thousands of unaccompanied children. This, alone,  presents a monumental dilemma for the US. These children will have to be housed, fed, clothed, educated. In addition, our already overburdened healthcare system will be forced to provide medical care for these children. An who will pay for this sudden and profound impact on our society? It will be the working folks of this country who will foot the bill, as the Feds will be forced to extract a bigger share of honestly earned wages to pay for this demand for social services. Since these kids are being crammed together in refugee camps along the border, agents have already reported cases of violence, molestation and sexual abuse, which, looking ahead, will effect the behavior of these children as adults. And when these children are made wards of the state and bounced from foster home to foster home, even more anti-social behavorial issues will arise.

Compounding the problem is the documented fact that at least hundreds of illegals are drug cartel gang members, ready to add to the violence and crime rates of our major cities.

What is the answer to this crisis? Shut it down right now until this untenable situation gets straightened out. When the illegals come in, send them right back out. For those of you waiting for the President to take control of this situation, please take note. The chaos on our southern border is part of his strategy. Upon winning the presidency, Obama said in a speech that he intends to change the very fundamental nature of this country. It wasn't a threat. It was a vow. The human tidal wave is the Obama agenda coming to fruition.

In the coming months and years you will hear a troubling and disturbing sound. It will be shit hitting the fan.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


1. In June the Anarctic polar ice extent set an alltime record for size.

2. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data indicate that this past winter's record cold is part of a 20 year trendline that shows an almost 3 degree Fahrenheit cooling since 1995.

3.The 2 decades that show the most record high temperatures in the Chicago area were the 1930's and the 1940's.

4. Contrary to predictions, the past twenty years has seen a reduction in droughts, wildfires and hurricanes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Approximately 90% of African American voters vote for  Democrat candidates. Why such overwhelming support for Dems? The perception throughout the back community is that Republicans are racist, bigoted and anti-black, whereas Democrats are the only political party concerned with the welfare and wellbeing of black Americans. Are these perceptions of our 2 major political parties accurate? Let's take a closer look at recent history.

In 1964, the landmark Civil Righs Act was signed into law. It may surprise African Americans, as well as white Americans to know that in the House of Representitives, 79% of Republicans voted in favor of the Bill, while only 63% of Democrats voted for it. In the Senate, 21 Democrats voted no on the Civil Rights Act, yet only 6 Republicans voted against it.

Throughout the south during the 50's and 60's, all those governors standing in  the doorways of public schools to block the admission of black children--those governors, like Faubus in Arkansas, and George Wallace, were all Democrats. And those sheriffs who unleashed snarling police dogs on black demonstrators, and doused them with the full force of firehoses--those sheriffs were all Democrats.

Today, cities like Detroit, Chicago, LA, Atlanta, Philadelphia, etc., are going bankrupt, riddled with drug gangs and homicides, failing school systems and corrupt politicians--every single one of those cities are run by Democrats. Please explain to me how those cities are raising the quality of life for their black inhabitants.

It is time for the black community to open its eyes, ask the tough questions and cast aside the old, tired political stereotypes. Their very survival is at stake.

The Democrats are not saviors or protectors. They are exploiters of the underclass.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Americans drink the equivalent of one million glasses of tap water daily.

In 2011, there were 5.3 million auto accidents, resulting in 32,000 deaths.

Parking spaces and parking lots take up 10% of urban land.

In a recent poll, 48% opf respondents said they wanted Obamacare wiped off the books.

During the summer, movie goers will buy 176 million boxes of popcorn.

Water makes up 75% of an infant's weight.

In 1940, there were 159 workers for every Social Security recipient.  Today, there are only 2 workers per recipient.

Based on the annual rate of convict exonerations, it is estimated that 4.1% of deathrow inmates are innocent.

The moon moves away from Earth at the rate of 5 feet every hundred years.

Nightshift workers have a 41% higher risk of getting a heart attack.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


The consensus among historians and  Americans in general, is that Abraham Lincoln was our greatest president. Afterall, did he not help free the slaves? He was a champion of freedom and liberty for all Americans, right?

Let's check his words and actions to see if they match the myth and legend that is the 16th president. Lincoln was a highly successful lawyer for over 20 years. During that span of time the Great Emancipator represented slaveowners, and not once did he represent a single runaway slave. In a debate against Stephen Douglas in 1858, Lincoln said the following: "I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is a physical difference in the two, which, in my judgement, will probably forever forbid their living together...and I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary."

In his first inaugural address, he said, "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

In 1862, Lincoln wrote a letter to Horace Greeley, the editor of the New York Times. In part, the letter stated: My paramount objective in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save  the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it.

Abe's much lauded achievement, the Emancipation Proclamation, in reality, did not free any slaves. It was written so as to apply only to territory held by Confederate rebels. Southern territories held by the Feds, such as Kentucky and Tennessee, were, in fact, exempt from the Proclamation. In other words, it pertained only to areas the Union did not control and therefore could not enforce.

During the Civil War, Lincoln took on dictatorial powers not seen by any prior president. He shut down newspapers that ran editorials opposing his war policies, and imprisoned the editors of these papers. By some estimates, over 13,000 citizens were imprisoned for the crime of disagreeing with the President. There are records of some of these citizens being executed.

The point is, no elected official can or should be trusted. Even Abraham Lincoln ignored or subverted the Constitution, and suspended the basic rights of Americans when it suited his needs. All elected officials should be regarded as men with human failings, and not as saints or royalty free from sin.

To delve further into this unknown side of Lincoln, I recommend two books: THE REAL LINCOLN, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, and THE REAL LINCOLN, by Webb Garrison.

Monday, June 23, 2014


43% of adults own a tablet or E-Reader.

54,000 newspaper and magazine jobs have disappeared since 2003.

80% of suicide victims are men.

23.4 million adults over 65 depend on Social Security for 90% of their income.

28% of adults sleep less than 6 hours a night.

Traffic fatalities have dropped 56% since 2002.

28% of  teen respondents to a recent poll said they have ridden in a car  where the adult driver texted  while driving.

20% of Americans  have tattoos. More women than men have tattoos.

Average person thinks of the future 59 times a day.

People over 50 are divorcing at double the rate of younger people.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


I drive a 2013 Honda Civic. Prior to that I owned 2 Honda Accords. Why? Because over the years I have owned 8 Hondas, put hundreds of thousands of miles on them in total, and never ever had to take any of them in for repairs of any kind. Not once. Not ever. That is reliability with a capital R.

I recently got into a heated discussion with a gentleman who took me to task for buying a Japanese car. He said I should "buy American," and that it was people like me who were responsible for sending jobs overseas and causing unemployment in this country. I let him have his say, then set him straight with a few facts that shut him up about American job loss.

I told him the following: 80% of the Civic's content was manufactured in America by American factory workers; Hondas are assembled in Ohio by American assemblyline workers; the cars are delivered to the showrooms by American Temaster union truckers; an Amercian saleman received the commission; an American owned dealership shared in the profit; American techs service the cars; American warehouses and warehouse workers handle the replacement parts.

In other words, if millions of people like me stopped buying Japanese cars, hundreds of thousands of American workers would lose their jobs. Too many people fail to see beyond the tip of their nose.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I have a suggestion: Take a good long hard look at the good old USA. Listen to the language; peer into the faces; study the cultural habits; listen to the music; keep an eye on the social and political institutions. Take it all in, because the United States you live in today will be gone in a generation. Your kids, grandkids, great grandkids will reside in a country markedly different than the one we live in now.

The seeds of change are all around us. Border Patrol agents report that 35,000 illegals cross the Texas border every month. California agents are warning us that drug gang members are pouring into California by the hundreds. Illegal immigrants are being released from prison. And the Obama administration is turning a blind eye to all of it. In fact, encourages it.

According to the Census Bureau, by 2050, Caucasians will comprise less than half  of the total population--45%. By comparison, when JFK was elected president in 1960, 80% of the population was Caucasian. Illegal immigration coupled with falling birthrates among whites account for these demographic changes.

So is this a question of race and racism? Absolutely not, although on the surface, it would appear to be precisely that. This is not about superiority and inferiority of one race to another.. The issue is cultural differences.

A United States where minorities are a combined majority would be a different country, and here is the primary reason. Ninety percent of African American voters vote Democrat, and seventy percent of Hispanic voters vote Democrat. Do the math.  It would mean that liberatrain/conservative principles would be reduced to a second class  level of irrelevance. Those principles of small government, less welfare, lower taxes and free enterprise would be voted away into oblivion. The Obama presidency is a preview of coming attractions: big government control of every aspect of our lives, higher taxes, strangling of business and the entrepreneurial spirit, increased spying on private citizens, less personal liberty. Look at any major city with a  signifigant population of minorities. What do Detroit, Chicago, New York, LA, Atlanta, Cleveland, etc., all have in common? They are going bankrupt, scandal ridden and controlled by Democrats overwhelmingingly supported by minority voters. Sure, some whites vote for them,, too. But what it means is that a Republican/conservative/libertarian candidate doesn't stand a chance of getting elected and promoting and preserving conservative principles. Look at Chicago. That city hasn't had a Republican mayor in over half a century, and 49 of the 50 aldermen are Democrats. Nuff said. Welcome to the future.

What lies in our future is an all-encompassing welfare state, and an electorate that scorns the Constitution and ridicules the Founding Fathers as a bunch of old white guys. I won't be around to see it.  I only hope that my grandchildren and their children will be able to find an oasis of liberty in an increasingly hostile world.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


It's time for another Fathers Day. As a father and grandfather, I appreciate the recognition and the opportunity to spend quality time with my family. But cultural changes over the years makes this holiday even more signifigant.

Look around. Check out the movies, TV shows, commercials, social attitudes. Over the years, men in  general, and fathers in particular, have been reduced to second class citizens and the butt of jokes that would be considered degrading and politically incorrect were they directed at women and mothers. Men are portrayed as brainless, beer swigging, video game playing, Doritos chomping, overgrown children. Fathers are depicted as incompetent idiots incapable of raising their own children.

Example: A current commercial shops a husband and wife skyping. The woman is in a hotel room, dressed in business casual, obviously on a business trip. Dad is home with their 2 kids becasue we see them on the video screen assuring Mom that everything is fine. When the call is over, we see the kitchen in full view. It looks like a food bomb exploded, food splattered all over the ceiling, walls, floor and countertop. The message? Mom is an astute business woman. Dad is a total boob incapable of caring for his 2 kids. Could you imagine the uproar if they showed Mom as a blond airhead too ditzy to care for her children?

This type of depiction goes back decades, from sitcoms like The Life of Riley, The Jim Belushi Show, Married With Children, Two And a Half Men, etc.. The fathers are dimwitted, oafish goofballs barely able to nurture their own kids.

This degrading of men shows up in other areas of our society. For instance, 80% of births in the African American communty are out of wedlock, which translates into the majority of black children growing up without a father figure in the house. Let the crime statistics reflect the wisdom of this situation. There have been numerous actresses who have had babies fathered by undisclosed men, and who proceed to raise these kids without the aid of a father. Here, men have been reduced to mere sperm donors who are unnecessary and irrelevant in terms of raising a child. But I ask you this: Is a child better off with one loving, nurturing parent, or two loving, nurturing parents?

I, for one, am fed up with the stereotypical portrayal of men as overgrown children who do nothing but sit on their fat asses, drink beer, stuff their face with junk food, watch TV 18 hours a day (and sleep the other 6), fart, scratch and otherwise behave like they're afflicted with arrested development. And I am definetely disgusted with the portrayal of  men as incompetent, neglectful and clueless fathers.Sure there are men who are morons and bad dads, but the overwhelming majority of us bust our ass to support our families, love our children, and do everything in our power to nurture and protect them; not to mention the men who chase the criminals, fight the fires, spill their blood in foreign wars, as well as those who lead quieter lives and provide a world of love and security for their families.

Yes, fathers deserve recognition. But most of all, fathers need respect.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


American prison population exceeds the population of Chicago and Los Angeles combined--6.9 million prisoners.

The cerebellum, which is the part of the brain at the nape of the neck, accounts for 10% of the brain volume, yet contains half of all brain cells.

In a recent Gallup poll, 58% of respondents favored legalizing marijuana.

Two-thirds of the earth lies beneath 1000 feet of water.

One out of three seniors over the age of 65 fall every year.

People who drink 3-5 cups of coffee daily reduce their chances of dementia by 65%.

One third of adults between the ages of 18 and 32 live with their parents.

In a recent poll, 65% of respondents favored legalized online poker.

In 1970, 10% of all occupations were required to be licensed. Today, the government  requires 30% of all occupations to be licensed.

In the top ten major cities, 50% of teens are unemployed.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


As a libertarian/conservative I am a firm believer in the separation of economy and state the way we have a separation of church and state, and for the very same reasons. Our Founding Fathers had the wisdom to know that permitting government to involve itself with religion would be a receipe for disaster.  Well, when the state dabbles in the economy, the results are typically  a disaster.

The Chicago Cubs (love em or hate em) are asking the City of Chicago to allow them to make numerous architectural changes to Wrigley Field. One of these changes has nothing to do with blocking the view of the rooftops across from the park, or altering the face of this historic structure. The change is quite simple. the Cubs want to enlarge the outfield doors from 12 feet to 24 feet so they can move the bullpens from the sidelines to a position under the outfield bleachers. That's it. Mayor Rahm Emmanuel says no way, dudes. Why does he oppose the change? Because it would mean some of the iconic ivy on the outfield walls would be removed. Seriously? How would less ivy alter the game? How would it decrease the fans' enjoyment of baseball?

Here's the kicker for we libertarians. Wrigley Field is private property owned by the Ricketts family of Chicago. The city does not own it. Emperor Rahm doesn't own it. Yet the city is preventing owners from making relatively minor changes to the interior of their own property. The words "joke  "farce" and "outrage" apply here.

Is it possibly there is an underlying reason for Emperor Rahm's opposition to the plan? Consider this. The Ricketts family have made numerous financial contributions to the Republican party and Republican candidates. Is it the least bit possible that Emperor Rahm is using and abusing his power to enforce the old adage, "Paybacks are a mothereffer?"

This is what happens when politicians and the state can interfere with the marketplace. It is no longer about who has the best products and services, but who can kiss the most political ass.

Friday, May 30, 2014


In a recent poll, 22% of respondents prefer going out with friends rather than having sex, while another 10% prefer to go shopping or engaging in sports rather than having sex.

Measles cases are at a 20 year high.

Over the past 10 years, twice as many women as men have started small businesses.

Circumcised men have a 14% less risk of prostate cancer if the procedure was performed within a year of birth. Men who were circumcised after the age of 35 have the risk of prostate cancer reduced by 60%.

Sunscreen with an SPF of 50 filters out 98% of harmful UV rays.

885,000 knee and hip replacements are performed annually.

While the brain is 2% of the total body weight, it receives 20% of the blood supply and 25% of the oxygen supply.

Over the course of their working life, college graduates on average earn approximately $800,000. more than high school grads.

In the past 40 years, murders are down 40%, and rape is down 80%.

27.8% of students report being bullied in the past school year.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The Veterans Administration scandal is a scary look into the future if Obamacare is allowed to expand. The stated goal of many Democrats is to ultimately have a single payer healthcare system in which there is no private  health insurance. Instead, everyone of us would be dependent upon a Federal healthcare system they way veterans are dependent upon the VA. If the Feds cannot operate a first class health system  for a few million military veterans, how can we expect them to operate a system for all 306 millions citizens?

Amercians cannot allow themselves to be fooled by the Feds constant atack on private insurance companies. By portraying these companies as the villians, the government hopes to have us running to them for salvation. The Feds despicable treatment of veterans could be our future if we permit our representitives to pass more laws like Obamacare. Competition for customers in the free market gives rise to efficiency and responsiveness. When the government is the only supplier of goods and services, we become pawns and victims of political incompetance and corruption.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


This past week hundreds of people demonstrated At McDonalds headquarters in Oakbrook, Il. for a higher minimum wage. There have also been demonstrations in other cities in this country and in Europe. The demonstrators are demanding the minimum be increased from $7.25 per hour, to $15.00 per hour. On the surface it sounds like an  idea with merit. Demonstrators are saying they are demanding a "living wage" that will allow them to satisfactorily support their families. While the sentiment may be noble, the facts tell a different story.

Only 16% of people receiving the minimum wage were single parents. 94% of families with an adult who earns the minimum also have a spouse who works and supports the family.40% of all recipients
are teens who live at home with their families. The majority of people who start out earning the minimum receive at least one raise in their first 12 months of employment.

One of the arguments for raising the minimum wage is that it is good for employment; however, 85% of all studies find that increases in the minimum also increase unemployment among unskilled workers. When the minimum wage was enacted in 1948, the unemployment rate for white teens was actually higher than for black teens--10.2% for white teens; 9.4% for black teens. Today those numbers have shifted dramatically. Overall unemployment for teens in 2013 stood at 16%. For black teens, the unemployment rate was 50%. The The primary difference in those rates is that black teens enter the job market with lesser skills because of inferior inner city public schools. As employers are forced to pay higher and higher wages, they become far more selective in terms of the skillsets of  new employees.

Last week the citizens of Switzerland went to the poles and rejected a referendum that would have set their minimum wage at the equivalent of $25.00 per hour. In their wisdom, they knew what a disaster that would have been for their economy.

There are 2 simple truths to remember: As minimum wages increase, small  mom and pop businesses are forced to do more with fewer employees, thereby hurting their efficiency, and adding to unemployment. Second, if fastfood chains like Mickey D's and Burger King have to increase their employment costs by almost 100%, we all end up paying more for our food. Like rotary dial phones and 8 track cassesettes, the dollar menu will become a relic of the past. How does that help low income people?

Thursday, May 22, 2014


For those of you who long for the "good ole days" and who think that life today is really screwed up compared to the era of our parents and grandparents, the Cato Institute compiled a list showing how the average Amrican's life has changed since 1900:

Manufacturing wages are 5 times higher.
The workweek is 30% shorter.
Accidental deaths from cars and planes have dropped by 61%, despite the fact that there are millions more of both cars and us.
The air we breath is 97% cleaner.
Four times as many students are getting their high school diplomas, and six times as many women have Bachelor degrees.
98% of American homes have phones, electricity and indoor plumbing.
More than 75% of Americans have at least 1 car, a microwave oven, cable TV, air conditioning, and a washer and dryer.
The average person spends twice as much time in leisure activities as our forebearers did a hundred years ago.

And they haven't even mentioned the medical strides, such as the virtual eradication of smallpox, polio, TB, measles and chickenpox.

There is one downside: We spend more time in traffic jams.
Wait! There is one more downside: My grandparents never had to contend with dropped calls on their cellphones.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


 I purchased a shirt last week, and when I checked the label, I found that it was manufactured in Viet Nam. It made me think: What a screwy world we live in, and free trade is the ultimate solution.

Here we are in 2014 wearing clothes made in Viet Nam, and back in the sixties we were locked in a bloody wore with them. In fact, I was drafted in the first big Viet Nam era callup in January of 1966. Prior to then, the army was drafted 2 to 3 thousand guys a month. That January it shot up to 25 thousand men, and went as high as 40 thousand. Fortunately, they shipped my ass to Germany for a year and a half. The only thing I fought was hangovers from German beer. But for the next 8 years, the Viet Nam war raged on. Fifty-seven thousand good Americans were slaughtered, and a hundred thousand were seriously wounded, along with tens of thousands of Viet Namese killed in a pointless, brutal war. Now, decades later, we send them money and they make our clothes.

It is a story repeated from decades earlier, when we went to war against Japan, and hundreds of thousands of Americans and Japanese were killed.  A decade after the war, they were our trading partner, and today Japan leads the world in electronics and car manufacturing. Hard to believe that we were once deadly enemie, each bent on destroying the other. The same holds true for Germany, who is now our ally and trading partner.

Now in  2014, it would be inconceivable to wage war against Germany, Japan and Viet Nam. Therein lies the beauty of free trade., because a country has nothing to gain and everything to lose by going to war against a trading partner. Free trade is the ultimate solution to world peace. When countries are interconnected and interdependent, when their prosperity and security depends on export and inport only a damn fool would attack a good customer. A key point to remember is that prior to World War II, Japan and the US were not trading partners; nor was the US and Viet Nam. From their standpoint at the time, they had nothing to lose and everything to gain by attacking us. Today's reality is simpler: You don't kill your best customers; you nurture them.

Read the label on your next clothing or electronic purchase. Instead of bitching about jobs going overseas, be aware of one thing. It is far better to send our dollars abroad land receive desired goods in return, than sending brave young Americans abroad, and receiving bodybags in return.

Monday, May 19, 2014


I stand a full 5'6" in height. I'm actually tall for my height. (Get it? Heh, heh). Those of taller  stature might refer to those of us below the average male height of 5'8" as vertically challenged. It looks like we short shits may have the last laugh. And I do mean the last laugh.

Researchers in Hawaii just concluded a 50 year study  of 8,000 men. Their findings? Shorter men live longer, especially those really short dudes between 4'10" and 5'2". It seems that we little folk have a reserve of cells in our bodies that help in maintaining our internal organs. Added to that, the study found that short men possess an enhanced longevity gene, which, among other things, reduces our risk of cancer. So I have one thing to say to you tall dudes that women go gaga over. We short guys promise to attend your funeral.

Guys, remember how you were always told to  have a firm handshake? Well, scientists at the McGill Nutrition and Performance Laboratory tested 203 cancer patients. They had those patients squeeze a device called a dynamometer to measure their grip strength. Doctors then used the results of the tests to determine the strength and endurance of each individual. This aided in determining which patients required the most medical intervention in their cancer treatment and overal care. Just remember to wash your hands after shaking.

Friday, May 16, 2014


The average dollar bill contains 3000 bacteria.

68% of Americans own pets.

1 out of every 5 workers is over the age of 55

48% of all millionaires in this country are over the age of 55

People who drink 3-5 cups of coffee daily have a 65% lower risk of dementia

The top 50% of taxpayers pay 95% of the tax revenues

1 billion people on earth still defecate out in the open

25 million Americans have diabetes

2/3rds of the earth lies beneath 1000 feet of water

The average heart beats  approximately 3 billion times in a lifetime

Thursday, May 15, 2014


You've probably been hearing and reading a lot about gluten recently. Gluten-free this and gluten-free that. So what the hell is gluten and why should we, according to so many in the healthfood field, avoid it like the proverbial plague?

Gluten is a protein composed of 2 proteins: gliaden and glutelin. It is found in grains such as wheat,rye and barley. One of its primary functions is to nourish plant embryos during germination.
The downside is that some people cannot tolerate gluten, particularly those  afflicted with celiac disease. When these people consume products containing gluten, it triggers an immune response that can damage the intestines. However, and this is a big however, only about 1% of the population is gluten intolerant. Therefore, to call it harmful is certainly a gross exaggeration. If you do not suffer from a form of gluten intolerance, this protein is not harmful to you in any way, despite what the healthfood industry would have us believe. Gluten is the current nutritional bogeyman, and anti-gluten the current fad.  Tomorrow it could be milk and dairy products because a small percentage of the population is lactose intolerant.

Consuming whole grains is an integral part of a healthy diet, providing much needed vitamins, minerals, starches and fiber, so think twice when you see all the anti-gluten propaganda, and all the food products labelled gluten-free. It is just one more marketing ploy. Unfortunately, it seems that common sense is not the current fad.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I'm venting again. This time it isn't about words--it's about phrases and sayings that we have come to regard as truisms.  First one is "You can be anything you want to be." Nice sentiment and certainly a way to encourage youngsters, but the reality is, you cannot be whatever you want to be.  I wanted to be middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears, but at 5'6" and 130 lbs., that was never going to happen. Every year thousands of people migrate to Hollywood to become big stars, yet only a minute fraction of them will make it. The cold hard fact is if you don't have the innate talent, neccessary aptitude or physical attributes for a particular endeavor, you will never achieve your goal.

The next two sayings are really different sides of the same coin: "Everything happens for a reason", and "We're all put here for a purpose." Here is where my religious skepticism comes into play. Both saying suggest there's somebody up there who oversees all the moves and is manipulating our actions like pieces on a chessboard. Truth is, things happen because they happen. Not because there is some kind of mysterious motive behind it. Flip a coin. It will come up either heads or tails. There is no special reason why heads or tails came up. Just blind chance. To say each of us is put on this earth for a specific purpose suggests we are programmed like robots and have no free will.

The last phrase is one we have all heard. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." That saying may have worked when we were kids trying to deflect the taunts and teasing of schoolyard bullies, but I think most of us realize it just ain't so. Probably the overwhelming majority of people, at some point in their lives, have been deeply hurt and wounded by someone elses words. Broken bones will eventually heal and be as good as new, but malicious words cut and wound, and if the wounds are deep enough, they will cause us pain the rest of our lives. So we must think before we speak, because words can be the most crippling of weapons.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Okay, I'm going to vent. Not the bitchy kind of venting. This is "constructive criticism" kind of venting.

As a writer, there are a few quirks in our language that drive me up the wall. The first one is when people say "I could care less," when what they mean to say is "I couldn't care less." When you say you could care less, that means you really do care, and are actually capable of caring less than you really do.

Next is "irregardless".  There is no effing word like irregardless. Question: What is the difference between regardless and irregardless? There is none, so why do we want to tag on an extra syllable to the word?

And what has common usage done to the word "fun"? The way it's used today breaks every rule in the grammar book. For example, people will say "Going to the beach is the funnest thing to do." Really? Word up, yo. There's no effing word like "funnest". It should read "Going to the beach is the most fun." Or people will say "That is so fun." Sorry. That is so illiterate. It should be, "That is so much fun." So much for the value of public education.

My last bitch--err--I mean vent. "Conversate". Again, there is no effing word like conversate, but it is gradually sneaking into everyday usage. Instead of saying "We had a conversation," people will say "We conversated." Or "We should conversate," instead of saying "We should converse." Why the hell would we want to add on another syllable to a word? Next thing you know, instead of people saying "I had to crap," they will say "I had to crapolate."

Holy crap on a cracker!

Friday, May 9, 2014


Canadian researchers who studied a group of subjects age 65 and older found that exercising just twice a week for 30 minutes resulted in younger looking skin. After only 3 months, the researchers took skin samples, analyzed them under a microscope and discovered that the skin layers resembled that of a person 30 years younger.

In ordinary aging, the outer layer of skin thickens and becomes dry and dense, while the collagen in the inner layers grows thinner, causing wrinkling and sagging.

When skin samples from the subjects were studied, it was found that exercise reversed the process. The outer layer grew thinner, and the collagen in the inner layers grew thicker, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

So put away those expensive creams, and bring out the weights and running shoes

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Researchers in Australia have discovered that stem cells taken from teeth can be altered and grown to resemble brain cells. The hope is that one day these cells can be used to restore brain tissue damaged by strokes. Beyond that, they may possess the potential to combat brain cancer and Alzheimers disease. The moral of this story is don't give your teeth to the tooth fairy.

Danish scientists found that injecting stem cells directly into the heart can help patients suffering from heart failure. The stem cells promote the development of new blood vessels as well as heart muscle tissue.

Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered a way to take  mammary stem cells and keep them alive in the lab. These stem cells are responsible for forming breast tissue. Scientists hope that by keeping these cells functioning, they can determine if they also play a role in breast cancer.

And to think some religions and politicians wanted to halt stem cell research. I suppose they prefer to deal with the tooth fairy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Every 98 minutes, a cop shoots a dog somewhere in the US.

56% of Americans own smartphones.

50% of the land west of the Mississippi River is owned by the Federal Government. 81% of Nevada is owned by the Feds.

84% of Americans have higher incomes than their parents had at the same age.

66% of Illinois residents were born in Illinois, while 68% of Indiana residents were born in Indiana.

60% percent of Illinois residents say they would like to leave the state.

Data fronm the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that winter temperatures have declined by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 20 years.

US air emissions have declined 70% since 1980.

5.6% of uninsured African Americans have enrolled in Obamacare. 11.7% of uninsured Hispanics have enrolled.

In a recent poll, only 7% of journalists described themselves as Republicans. Four times that number described themselves as Democrats. So much for fair and balanced news.

By 2019, white children under the age of 10 will be a minority in the US.

Drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day could reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50%.

Finally, a science fiction writer from the 40's, 50's and 60's named Theodore Sturgeon came up with something he called STURGEON'S LAW. STURGEON'S LAW states that 95% of everything is bullshit. The man was a genius.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Myth 1: The brain shrinks--The truth is the brain does not shrink. Your nose and ears continue to grow, making it appear that your brain is shrinking.

Myth 2: Most seniors are so destitute, they're reduced to eating dog food.--That is false. Many of us prefer cat food.

Myth 3: Sense of hearing begins to fail-- False. We just don't care to listen to everyone's bullshit.

Myth 4: Seniors do not require as much sleep as younger people--False. Becasue male seniors have to get up 5 or 6 times a night to go to the john, we actually require more sleep.

Myth 5: There is less sex--False. There is just as much sex. It's just that the seniors aren't getting any of it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


These are the changes that 30 years can bring:

1984: Going to a new, hip joint
2014: Receiving a new hip joint

1984: Long hair
2014: Longing for hair

1984: Acid rock
2014: Acid reflux

1984: Wanting to look like Keith Richards or Meg Ryan
2014: NOT wanting to look like Keith Richards or Meg Ryan

1984: Getting a keg
2014: Getting an EKG

1984: Going to a disco
2014: Going to Costco

1984: Getting stoned
2014: Getting kidney stones

1984: Whatever
2014: Depends

Monday, April 28, 2014


Having turned the big seven-o this year, I have become acutely aware of a little thing called "age bias," primarily in the form of advertising. The 2 biggest offenders are fast food chains and cell phones. Watch any McDonalds commercial, or a commercial for Wendys, Burger King, etc,,  and one would to the conclusion that either no one over the age of twenty-one visits fast food restaurants, or middle-aged and senior citizens have all been sent to detention camps.

Cell phone companies like Apple and Samsung, and phone services such as Verizon and T-Mobil are also big discriminators. View any of their commercials and one gets the impression that no one over the age of 25 owns a cell phone. All you see are college-age kids laughing, running, jumping and dancing. They either really love their phones and service, or they have prescriptions for medical marijuana.

These ads irk the hell out of me because they ignore an entire customer base. Walk into any McDonalds in the morning and you will likely see a few booths and tables  filled with seniors, not to mention the ones who may be employed there. As for cell phones, I personally don't know anyone between the ages of 50 and 80 who doesn't own a cell phone. Many people in that age bracket are still gainfully employed as lawyers, doctors, execs and entrepaneurs, and certainly have a need for cell phones. But judging fronm the ads, once you get past college age, you drop off the face of the earth.

The magical age for advertisers is the 18 to 54 age group. Everybody wants to sell them something. But here is the irony of that concept. The biggest percentage of this country's wealth by age group is held by senior citizens. Surprised? Only a minority of us live Social Security check to Social Security check, or are forced to eat dog food.

So to Mickey D's and Apple, I say wake the fuck up and stop treating seniors like non-entities, or else we will sell our shares of your stock, and you'll be scrounging around for "dollar meals."

Friday, April 25, 2014


At the funeral service the undertaker asked the elderly widow, "How old was your husband?"
"Ninety-eight", replied the widow.  "Two years older than me."
"So you're ninety-six," responded the undertaker. "Hardly worth going home, is it?"

A 95 year old man goes to the doctor's office and says, "Hey, doc, I want my sex drive lowered."
"But you're 95,"  replies the surprised doctor. "Don't you think your sex drive is all in your head?"
"Damn right it is," snaps the old man. "That's why I want it lowered."

An elderly woman goes to her lawyer to make out her will. In it she has two final requests. First, she wants to be cremated. And second, she wants her ashes scattered around Walmart.
"Why do you want your ashes scattered around Walmart? her lawyer asks.
"That way I know my daughter will visit me at least twice a week."

Finally, I am going to make a workout video for people my age. I'm going to call it "Pumping Rust."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Saw this on a poster in Honolulu, and found it to be both funny and insightful. This is how various religions of the world interpret the phrase, "shit happens."

Catholicism: If shit happens, I deserve it.
Hinduism: This shit happened before.
Zen: What is the sound of shit happening?
Atheism: There is no shit.
Agnosticism: I don't know wherether shit happens.
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us?
Rastafarianism: Let us smoke the chronic shit.
Islam: We must blow this shit up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Today is Earth Day. Started in 1970, Earth Day is celebrated to remind us that we are stewards of this planet and must be responsibl-e citizens in protecting nature. It also tells us that human beings are greedy, voracious, filthy animals whose primary accomplishments have been destroying the environment, poisioning the air and pissing in our lakes, rivers and oceans.There are those on the left who have actually said the earth would be better off if the entire human race was decimated. Knowing that would mean they also would be decimated, they have their own alternative solutions, virtually ever one of them involving more government, more controls, more taxes, and an attack on things that make our lives more pleasurable and easier--like automobiles and planes, anything electronic. California wanted to go as far as outlawing outdoor barbecue grills. Take that you brat loving bastards.

In response, there are 2 facts I believe would shock most people. First, we are told not to use paper because we're destroying the trees and clearing the forests. Well, here's the first shocker: There is more forest acreage in America today than there was 100 years ago, thanks to reforestation by those greedy profit mongering paper companies.

Also, we hear the cries abour urbanization and how we are paving over America, destroying the wetlands, forests and farmlands simply to expand the suburbs and provide  highways for those polluting nasty cars. Well, here's fact 2 that may shock people. Between 94.6 percent and 97.4 percent of the land area in the US is undeveloped rural areas. I bet many of you thought that at least 50 percent of this country has been paved over.

Yes, we should respect our planet and not shit where we eat and sleep, but be aware that one of the biggest polluters of the environment are the leftwing liars who fill the air with their bullshit.

Monday, April 21, 2014


A study conducted by the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and published in Arthritic Care & Research, is good news for you milk drinkers.

The study involved over 2,000 people, 1200 of them women, all with arthritis in their knees. Their daily dietary habits were recorded, and their knees carefully diagnosed every 12 months for 4 years. The 4 year study found that the women who consumed the most milk had the slowest amount of knee deterioration due to arthritis. As for the guys--fuggetaboutit! Milk consumption had no effect on men. Estrogen, the female hormone, is believed to have aided in warding off the adverse effects of arthritis. Also, milk products, like cheese, had no beneficial effect in fighting the disease, and the fat content may actually hasten the damage done by the disease.

Approximately 27 million Americans 25 years of age and older are afflicted with arthritis, but for some unknown reason,arthritis of the knees is worse in women. As of yet, researchers don't know exactly how or why milk helps. But whatever the reason, ladies, grab an extra glass of the cow juice and protect those beautiful knees. As for us guys, we can always hope they find a cure in a good bottle of aged Scotch.

Friday, April 18, 2014


The Journal of Occupational Health Psychology published a recent study that found that people who had the most mentally stimulating jobs were more likely to stay mentally sharp after they retire. The theory is that the harder the brain works, the more neurons it creates, which protect against neuron loss later in life. Jobs that require information gathering, analysis and problem solving are the most beneficial. Repetitive occupations, such as assembly line workers, provide the least stimulation. For those people, it becomes imperative that they engage in mentally stimulating activities outside of work. Card playing, reading, charitable work, and night courses would provide the needed mental challenges to keep them sharp in their retirement years.

Another reason I do not believe in global warming: Using satellite radar, scientists have discovered that instead of losing 21 billion tons of ice yearly, Antarctica is actually accumulating 27 billion tons of ice. Go figure.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Since this is now the baseball season, I think it's a good time for some baseball humor and a  lesson in one of life's truths.

A man named Sam saw his  15 year old neighbor, Todd, wearing a Chicag Cubs baseball cap. Sam asked the boy, "Why are you wearing a Chicago Cubs cap?"
"Because my Mom and Dad are Cubs fans," Todd replied.
"That's not a good reason," Sam said. "Don't follow other people.You have to think for yourself. What if your father was a drug dealer and your mother was a prostitute?"
"In that case," Todd replied, "I'd be a Chicago White Sox fan."

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


For many people, middleage means hearing loss. The following is an example of the problems it can cause.

A middleaged married couple were driving to the supermarket when the husband sees the flashing lights of a cop car in his rear view mirror. He immediately pulls over.  A veteran cop saunters up to the car and says, "Drivers license and registration, please."
The wife, who is hard of hearing, leans over to her husband and asks, "What did he say?"
The cop looks at the drivers license and begins to chuckle. "I see you're from Schererville, Indiana. The worst piece of ass I ever had in my life lived in Schererville."
The woman leans over once again to her husband and asks, "What did he say?"
The husband replies, "HE SAYS HE THINKS HE KNOWS YOU!"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I have returned from my 2 week hiatus. My wife, Joyce, and I took a cruise around the Hawaiian islands. Needless to say it was fabulous. How can a cruise around Hawaii not be fabulous? All the ingrediants were there: sun, beaches, warm temps and costly meals.

We had originally planned to take this trip on our 50th wedding anniversary in 2016. The we started to think: At  our age (not that we're ancient) anything can happen.This blog is about the aging process and all that it entails, and our thinking ran along those lines. Why not take this trip while we still had our health and the money? Once you're over 65, unfortunately, anything can happen. While Joyce and I are currently in excellent health, whose to say what lies ahead a year or two from now? When you're in your thirties or forties, you can think long range--ten, fifteen, twenty, even thirty years down the line. But when you're the big seven-o, that timeline obviously shrinks, so that there is a modicum of uncertainty when even considering a 2 year timeline. So we said, what the hell. Let's go for it. Now we have some great memories, and great pics we'll be eventually posting on Facebook. And maybe--just maybe--if we're still alive and kicking on our 50th anniversary, we may just take our other dream vacation: East Chicago, Indiana.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


This blog is taking a 2 week break. I will return with more useful and useless information.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


The 2014 major league baseball season is underway, and as a long-suffering Chicago Cubs fan, it means another season of frustration and disappointment. And baseball mortality. Let me explain.

I have been a Cubs fan since my parents took me to my first game when I was 5 years old. We sat in the bleachers, where I cheered my favorite Cub, outfielder Andy Pafko. That was 65 years ago. In the interim, the Cubs have not played in a single World Series, much less win one. The mantra for Cubs fans has always been, "Wait till next year." I have  recited that mantra my entire adult life, assuming that the next season or the season after that, the Cubbies would put it all together. My confidence grew when the cash strapped Wrigley family sold the team to the cash rich Tribune Company. Better days were coming. Yeah...right. It was a couple of more decades of futility. Then the Trib sells the team to an investor named Sam Zell, who didn't seem to have a clue or the slightest interest in running a baseball team. Then Zell sells the Cubs to the Ricketts family, wealthy, successful and knowledgeable Chicagoans. Finally, local folks with deep pockets who truly cared about the Cubs. I was ready to start ordering my World Series tickets. Yeah...right.

Turns out the Ricketts took on so much debt buying the team, their finances developed ricketts. One of the most prominent, successful and profitable franchises in baseball became so cash strapped, instead of being run like a major market team, the Cubs were being run like a team from Tampa Bay or Kansas City. Since the Ricketts took over, we've had 4 straight losing seasons and attendance in freefall.

So here I am in 2014. I'm now 70, with another losing season looming ahead. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will never see the Cubs in a World Series in my lifetime. And with that realization, my enthusiasm for the team has shriveled faster than Obama's approval ratings. I don't want to be that guy, who, on his deathbed, with the Grim Reaper hovering over him, says, "Wait till next year."


Monday, March 31, 2014


This past weekend, my wife, Joyce, and I attended an engagement party for her nephew, John Kupiec and his  lovely fiance, Julia Pinover. It was a family reunion of sorts. The party gave us the opportunity to touch bases with relatives we hadn't seen in years.

It brought to the forefront one of the genuine truisms of life: The older you get, the more you appreciate family and friends. That isn't to say I didn't give a rat's behind about family in my younger days. But as you approach your senior years, you are more aware of how tenuous life is, and how much meaning and satisfaction loved ones bring to your life.

When you're young, it's all about raising a family, earning a living and paying bills. Retirement, on the other hand, not only provides more liesure time, it allows ample opportunity to reflect on  your life. And what you come to realize is that family relationships are truly special and unique; and as the years pass and life winds down, you come to understand that they are your life, and that the shared love and memories make us who we are.

Hold your loved ones close while you can, for those are the priceless moments that make us human, and make life worth living.

Friday, March 28, 2014


One of the current hot diet crazes is the paleo-diet. Advocates of this diet believe we should replicate the diet of our cave dwelling ancestors. They claim it is a healthier and more natural diet because it contains no additives or chemicals, and it is not laced with sugar, starches and salt. As a result, it is a diet more attuned to the human body and our digestive system. On the surface it sounds reasonable. If the cavemen, who are humans in our most natural state, didn't eat it, neither should we. However, many paleontologists--the people who spend their lives studying early humans--wouild disagree with the premise.

The basic idea  of the paleo-diet is that 150,000 years ago our hunter-gather forefathers survived on meat, fruits and vegetables; therefore,  that is what the human digestive system is attuned to and designed for. By contrast, the diet advocates say we should avoid grains like oats, wheat, rice, etc.,  because humans didn't begin to consume those items until around 10,000 years ago when we began to settle in villages and  develop farming. In the paleo diet, the idea of starches, pasta, milk and milk products, and potatoes is anathema. Advocates claim these foods are responsible for diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease because the human body has not had the time to evolve and adapt to a diet of grains, starches and dairy.

In her book, Paleo Fantasy, author Marlene Zuk quotes anthropologist Katherine Milton: "The notion that humans got to a point in evolutionary history when their bodies were somehow in sync with the environment, and sometime later we went astray from those roots--whether because of agriculture or the invention of the bow and arrow, reflects a misunderstanding of evolution. What we eat and thrive on depends on our more than 30 million years of history as primates, and not a single arbitrary and more recent moment in time."

In fact,, studies have been performed on the teeth of Neanderthal remains, as well as the 2 million year old teeth of Australopithecus sedila, and remnants of grains and various starches were found in their teeth. Good thing for us they didn't floss.

Ms. Zuk also points out just how quickly the human body can evolve and adapt. It doesn't require hundreds of thousands or millions of years. For example,  prior to 20 thousand years ago, humans were essentially lactose intolerant. But starting around 20,000 years ago, humans went from hunter-gatherers to farmers. Because we began to domesticate animals and consume their milk, lactose intolerance was reduced by 90% in the span of approximately 15,000 years. So the premise that our bodies are identical to a caveman's would, to say the least, be inaccurate.

While the paleo-diet is not a harmful diet, it would be a mistake to assume that generally speaking, it is more conducive to human health than a modern day nutrious diet.We do not know if cavemen ever ate bacon.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Approximately 3 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. As of yet there is no cure, but there are steps you can take to minimize the risk. There has been much written about mental stimulation, such as crossword puzzles, suduko, reading, etc., for staving off dementia. Results from these techniques have been mixed. Studies over the past several years have found one surefire method to hold off mental decline. In a word, EXERCISE. A Mayo Clinic Review of more than 2,000 thousand scientific papers determined. "The one thing you can do to do prevent the onset of  cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease is exercise."

Harvard pyschiatrist Dr. John Ratey says, "Exercise is the one thing we've proven again and again that prevents the ravaging of aging on our brains. If you exercise 3 to to 6 months on a regular basis, your brain actually grows." And for those of you who haven't exercised in a long time, or who have never exercised regularly, take note. Dr. Ratey says, "You get the most bang for your buck if you haven't been exercising. The biggest changes are seen there."

As a bonus  regular exercise can fend off obesity and Type 2 diabetes. So get moving and strive for 150 minutes of exercise a week. It could be walking, running, swimming, weight training. The idea is to get the heart pumping and the blood circulating to the brain. The less fat on the ass, the more cells in the brain.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


A recent study shows that colon cancer rates among Americans over the age of 50 fell by 1/3 between 2000 and 2010. The reason? In a word, colonoscopies. In that 10 year period, colon cancer screenings for those between the ages of  50 and 75 rose from 19% in 2000, to 55% in 2010. For those 50 and older, colonoscopies are recommended every 5 to 10 years. I had my second one last October and passed with flying colors. No doubt you may have heard the horror stories about the procedure and the preparation leading up to it. While it is nowhere near as much fun as a weekend in Vegas, I was surprised at how pain free it really was.  All my appprehensions and misgivings proved to be baseless. If you're over 50, do yourself a huge favor and have the screening. If you're 65 or older, Medicare will foot the bill. And if you're under 65, many insurance companies will pay for the procedure in full.

No doubt all of you have heard of the five second rule, right? Drop something edible on the floor, and if you pick it up within five seconds it's still safe to eat. True or urban legend? In reality it's half true. If you drop dry food on the floor, like a cracker or cookie you're probably safe. On the other hand, if you drop something wet or moist on the floor, like a piece of meat or chewing gum, toss it in the garbage. Germs will immediately adhere to anything moist, even if it's within 5 seconds. Yuck! One more thing. Laminated and tiled floors increase the risk of contamination from E Coli and straphylococcus aureus. Surprisingly enough, carpeting poses  far less of a risk than hard floors. And if you drop something in the toilet? Fuggetaboutit!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Time Flies

Today my beautiful bride and I celebrate 48 years of marital bliss. We both shake our heads in disbelief to think it has been nearly a half century of marriage. Where the hell has the time gone? Where, indeed.It brings to mind a strange phenomena. I have spoken to many people over the years about it, and without exception, everyone over the age of 50 totally agrees: The older you get, the faster the times goes. It truly is strange. Nothing really changes, There are still 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour, 24 hours to a day, yet with each passing year time our perception of time accelerates. I remember as a kid Christmas would take forever to get here. Now, it seems like a month after you put away the Christmas decorations, you're pulling them out again. It's almost like a cruel joke on the part of Mother Nature. Bad enough we're all headed for that finish line, but has we move closer and closer to it, our speed picks up. Which just proves, I guess, that we really do have to make each minute count, because at my age, each minute lasts about 5 seconds. It's like a snowball gaining momentum as it rolls down hill.

I have one question: Where the hell are the brakes?